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Autoglym Vs Meguiars

Discussion in 'Detailing and cleaning' started by Bluehawk, Apr 15, 2015.

  1. Bollocks again. I bought Super Resin.

  2. Swap you your cupboard of that crappy Meguirs, for a nice shiny brand new tin of that outstanding Mr Sheen. I can't say fairer than that now can I?
  3. Can only tell as I find, but I think the Meguairs builds up over scratches better, I have two on the bike that look better after multiple coats of Autoglym. Hit it twice with Meguairs, all but gone.

    Anyway, don't want it turning into a saddos thread. :Wacky:.

    Polish away chaps!!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Hmmm let me think about that and get back to you
  5. don't wait too long, there is a clamour for my limited edition Mr Sheen, first come first served!
  6. Yeah, I've got a big bottle of redundant Super Resin as well now...
  7. Love the sneaky bin shot!
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  8. And the ramp to get the bike back into the kitchen. Very sensible.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. I nicked a tin of Meguiars wax when I worked at Mclaren. That was twenty years or more ago, and it's still three quarters full. Definitely better than Autoglym, but as Mr C says, not as good as Mr Sheen.
  10. I tried Mr Sheen once, years ago when I had an old CB750KZ. I managed to get some on the shiny vinyl seat. The bike was practically a write-off.
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  11. Mr Sheen and WD 40 chinese substitute frm the pounf shop for me :Android::upyeah:
  12. Tried the Super Resin and I reckon it brought it up a treat. You lot can't be doing it right. :Happy:
  13. I find the best cleaner without doubt is Alexi the polish kid down the local wash. Not sure what kinda detergent he uses and quite frankly My dear I don't give a damn cos I'm usually ogling his missus while she finishes off ... Erm if you get my drift.
  14. Another vote for AutoGlym Super Resin Polish from me. I've been using it for a couple of years and always pleased with the finish it provides. I also use Meguiars Ultimate Quick Wax which is great for different reasons.

    I'm no detailing expert but the way it was explained to me (& my own experience would back this up) is that Megs Wax makes things really shiny, but if there's any fine marks in the paint they will just be shiny fine marks.

    Autoglym super resin polish provides a "filler" for these fine marks. It's not permanent so washing removes the resin and the marks reappear. That's why Autoglym extra gloss protection exists as it helps seal in the resin.

    So in short;- if I notice fine marks on the paint work I use Autoglym SRP, if I don't I use the meguiars spray as its a dead quick, fuss free way to get a shiny surface. Both great products in my opinion.
    #34 Hump3, Apr 27, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2015
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  15. Meguiars always gave my old cars a hell of a shine, my ST205 GT4 especially.
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  16. This old girls paint work was tired out and the bonnet looked as if it had dried out
    Some work with both meguires and auto glym bought up the paint work a treat



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  17. The polish used must have been worth more than the car. ;)
  18. Only just Gimlet

    Was a great car over 100,000 miles and she gave up her head gasket
    She died a million dollars ;)
  19. Don't know why the expression, you can't polish a turd popped into my head there......sorry Ducbird...I had one too.:Stop:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. I've got great results from the super resin polish and autoglym hd wax. Going to do another polish and wax in a few weeks.
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