1200 Qat D Exhausts

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Speed_Triple, Jun 4, 2014.

  1. Anyone know if Qat D has a UK distributor? Google searches all seem to direct me to Bellisi moto in the States.
  2. ...who will take forever to ship it (sorry Randy @ BM but your shipping sucks mate).

    Try here ST;
    QDexhaustUSA Store
  3. There's a dealer in Jersey I think
  4. Joe at SpareShack, Jersey Island: bought mine from there in 2011. Mate, he's gone I'm afraid. Folded his tent ages ago.
  5. Romto in Slough (search Rmoto Slough for phone number) was or is the UK distributor. Noticed in the Diavel forum earlier this year that he was giving up the agency but don't know whether that has happened. If you do make contact might also be interested.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Try here ST;
    QDexhaustUSA Store

    They don't appear to ship to the UK. Only Canada and Mexico on the site. Is it worth calling to see if they'll ship here do you think?
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  7. Spanish ... Google didn't produce a link to Rmoto but it did turn up the firm's Facebook page.
    I've tried to contact and will post results here.
  8. Thanks. Had a look myself on my search engine and they give a phone number 07866 431883. Have spoken to the guy who runs R Moto on this number in the past but haven't moved forward because of price.
  9. Thanks. Will try and let you know.
  10. That number works. Thanks! Rmoto can supply but you have to pay upfront and wait for delivery (from stock). Around £1,500 inc VAT.
  11. Not saying anything bad but everyone should check out unknown firms at companies house before parting with cash.
  12. Anyone bought anything from Rmoto?
  13. Rmoto has been dissolved according to Companies House.
  14. Thanks. When I phone them two days ago they said they could get me a QatD if I paid up front so still trading ... buyer beware I guess!!!
  15. They may be trading under a different name. You have to make your own mind up on whether you are happy to pay upfront in that instance.

    Companies House WebCheck
  16. If not sure you can enquire directly at
    Could check with QD exhausts in Italy.Hopefully they are aware of what is what in the UK. They have responded promptly by email in the past. [email protected]
    • Like Like x 1
  17. I bought mine from Rmoto, and have also had direct contact with QD in Italy...

    I'm likely to be selling my Multi (new house, no bike space currently...), so will probably have my QDs up for sale soon... I've the carbon finish ones with the modified centre stand stop, plus the additional CAT parts (basically like additional baffling...never used though)...

    PM me if interested, otherwise they'll go up with the other bits once I've decided what I'm doing.

  18. Manuel De Liso is the guy that owns/runs QD Exhausts..
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