What Wouldn't Surprise You ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wroughtironron, Jul 27, 2014.

  1. Well, there must be quite a few things going on in the big wide world which wouldn't surprise us, and will possibly be confirmed sooner or later - things like:-

    The Jamaican Athletic Drug Testing Unit doesn't exist

    The Qatar 2020 World Cup decision made many FIFA Officials extremely rich

    Robert Mugabe fixes elections
  2. The moon landing was a hoax
  3. That God does exist......
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    • Agree Agree x 1
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  4. fin will be the slowest in the group when raining and fighting a hang over.
  5. The heritage of "Prince Harry" isn't all it's made out to be
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. That eBay is full of scammers.
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  7. Diesel pollutes far more than petrol
  8. when we fook up its always someone else's fault...
  9. That sometime soon I will buy another desirable bike part off eBay.:)
  10. Some idiot posting on another forum the result of the Hungarian Grand Prix.Was looking forward to seeing it later.
  11. Cliff Richard is Gay
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  12. President Putin's favourite hobby is strangling goats
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Scotland votes NO
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  14. Timmy Mallett is next on The List...
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  15. That pigs can really fly
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  16. The cow jumped over the moon
  17. Ducati will win a MotoGP
  18. There are no winners on the "Dickinson's Real Deal" phone-in competition - ever.....
  19. Carbon footprint of cycling is killing the planet
  20. My arse will be for sale on antiques roadshow
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