MTS1200 - no hazard warning / 4-way flashers!

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by AndyW, Mar 14, 2012.

  1. Here I am with you Andy....using flashers when coming into a sudden traffic jam is a good gives people behind you a second more reaction time!
  2. I'd prefer to have them rather than not. There have been few occasions where they would have been useful, so yes, Ducati should have fitted them.
  3. Sadly the Poll died with the forum crash and can't be reinstated apparently :-(
  4. I'm with Andy on this one. Look, at the end of the day if you are going to get cleaned up, you're going to get cleaned up and there ain't nuttin' on Gods good Earth that's going to save you; however, not having 4-way flashers (hazards) as standard on, let's face it, a bloody expensive, bespoke bike, is delinquent.

    For whatever reason, fog, jams, filtering; it's a damn "nice to have" and I for one think that a bike that can provide you with dial-in suspension, heated grips, ABS, et al, at least could feature 4-way flashers.

    Christ, I once had a Kwaka 1979 Z1R and that had hazards AND self cancelling indicators..and that was '79! I was only 2 mind you :) or maybe not...

    Anyway it's all moot until Audi get their mits in and give qual' control a kick in the aschloch. that as it may, my rear brake works perfectly - beat THAT!!!! :)))))))
  5. You guy`s have been heard:


    #25 Andreas, Sep 21, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2012
  6. What's happening with this then, no hazards on the 2012 bike I just got, hazards should be standard in my opinion
  7. Nor on my new one but there were on the 7 year old ST4S I traded in..................Thats progress for you!!
  8. I think they would be a handy option .................. as i could switch them on to warn others that i am not looking where i am going whilst i am texting :upyeah:
  9. I think you have confused Multistrada ownership with that of Audi/BMW car ownership:biggrin:
  10. Much more importantly you need them to indicate that you are proceeding straight over at four way stop or give way.
    At least that's what they are used for in Thailand....:biggrin:
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