If you had........

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pixie1276, Jan 1, 2013.

  1. On our travels today to see some friends and we played that if you had game, I said if you had £500,000 what would you do with it? Butch said I'd head straight to ducati Manchester! My 9 year old said I'd take us all on holiday and then give the rest to charity to help people in the war!
    What a beautiful thought from a 9 year old......guess I'm doing the parenting thing just right!
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  2. Before you know it will be sex and drugs and rock and roll.
  3. What......??????? They have sex drugs and rock at duke Manchester too ?????
  4. 1199r would be on order the first day ducati glasgow opened after today!!
  5. Retire and stop working, that would set me up nicely
  6. +1
  7. Nice house for me and three to rent out. Mortgage free and extra income would allow me to do so much more.
  8. Pay my bar bill:frown:
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  9. Good night was it Fig?
  10. No good asking me:biggrin:
  11. It would make life more comfortable for the kids and I
    There are a couple of charities I would make a donation too...
  12. Put my mum in a decent nursing home then ride my bike round the world
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  13. That can read two ways. If you're 30...bad Char, but if you're 50...good boy Char :biggrin:
  14. Retire without doubt, 44 years on building sites and the haulage industry is taking its tole, never mind only another 5 years and then I can slow down, maybe go part time.

  15. Char is not so manly, Matt :biggrin:
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  16. If I had £500k I'd buy a b&b in Spain, close to the beach and not too far from the tracks. Place an ad on here ( reduced rates for forum members ) and tell Openreach where to stick their job!
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  17. First class air tickets to New Zealand for a 3 week biking tour down there, with the rest invested so that I can carry on biking and travelling when I ultimately retire.
  18. Pay my mortgage off! Then a little holiday, maybe a car, a couple of nice bikes, and set my daughter up with a property for when she's older.
  19. we obviously havent met :eek:
  20. let's not make the mistake of overvalueing the carrying power of .5 million quid.. it s a common mistake to make and to find out that it doesn't carry that far at 62 really get's you up shit creek...

    this said, paying off you house is prob the wisest to do... you're home will be your home forever... :)
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