Been looking around for another bike for a while now. Not seen too many reviews on the 749 so grateful for any advice. I tried an 848 but found the riding position quite intense. The nearest 749 to me is quite a distance, so would like to get some idea before making a journey...So.. - can a 749 be made reasonably comfortable with bar risers and a different seat? (it's a sportsbike, I know, so never going to be Goldwing comfy!). - Is there much to choose between a 2004 and 2005 and later models? - Are the mirrors as hopeless as they appear!? - Are they b*ggers to care for, keep running? - Any advice on what to look for when buying one used (as well as good history)? Thanks in advance for tolerating the newb questions. I saw one in the flesh at Nottingham Ducati, 2003 and about £5.5k, and it looked wonderful! (But sold before I got chance to try it). My previous was a 1999 VFR 800Fi, so new to Ducati.
2005 facelift(red frame/black box arm) are more des. 749 got more bhp per year and the S has higher spec suspension and extra bhp. You might get a facelift S for £5k this time of year. The facelift have 20mm wider fairing meaning mirrors further apart. I manage ok with them, but Ive not been spoilt by h*nda. I have raised clipons on my (05)999. They make big difference but gloves can catch fairing til you sus out position of hands which took me 15mins.
Mirrors require the funky chicken and you look at the gap between your elbows and waist. Or bar end mirrors work well. Bikes are fairly solid, biggest issue seems to be electrics, they don't much like getting wet, especially the front coil. Handle great. Lots comfier than 748/9*6(8) bikes. Comfy padded seat helps sore arse.
Find mine somewhat "stiff" ooh err (mostly prob my fault for delaying getting suspension set up properly) and a touch cramped on long rides, but, fingers crossed, has seemed reasonably reliable (famous last words), handle totally great, look and sound fab, esp with full termi. Was thinking of selling mine just a few weeks back, but common sense has prevailed - think i would greatly (that a word!?) miss it. Turns heads where-ever it goes, including people commenting on it at petrol stations etc. Dp mirrors on mine work pretty ok. Cheers, Andrew. Ps, mine's pretty mint, carbon everything, billet this and that, levers, screen, full termi, quick shifter etc etc etc (2006 18.5k miles, gloss black - pretty rare so i have discovered) and it still isn't worth much gold, so don't over-pay!!
If you take the little locating pins out of the clip on clamps, switches, throttle, etc you can adjust the ergonomics to suit yourself very well, the foot peg positions have different mounting points too so you should be able to get it set up OK. Try and get a S or a 999 as iirc the basic 749 model didn't have alternate foot peg positions if you're worried about ergonomics and don't want to fit adjustable foot pegs.
As mentioned the front coil is a buggar for playing up as is the fuel pump relay, they are easy bikes to work on and mega fun to ride. One of the best looking bikes out there (imo) mine had ducati performance mirrors on when i bought it and they work well for me, ivw never found it to be uncomfy.i reckon if you get a good one at the right price and dont like it you wont lose money selling it on
FWIW relays cost a few quid each and these bikes are 10+ years old now, prudent just to replace em anyway
Well i was adimant to get rid of my 749 after i bought the multi pp... But it give me a smile every time i give it a run... I like how i can whine the throttle open unlike the my multi pp, it's either on or off there no adjustment... Mine has the open clutch i really like it when ppl come up to you n say how the fu@k do you ride it, it sounds awful/fu@ked, broken...its really funny...''i like it'' i say... Bought mine under 11k, now it has 47k+ on the clocks... must of spent x3 times the money keeping service/maintain, repairs dropping it, crashing it mines been through the wars... will part with too many memories plus its green so it stands out from the rest... (Edited) Standard exhaust but ive recored it straight thru, repacked many times now ive just like it with no packing in it... The injectors have been uprated to the 848-1198 purple injectors opposed to the standard yellow ones (running issues).
yep .. Pretty low blow... very hard to find the old nero model. I will have another one day I hope! fantastic bikes Imo. Never had mine properly set up for me and it was really stiff but a hoot to ride. when I put the bridgestone t30 evos on it ( a few weeks befor it got nicked) I was really starting to gel with it. I think the pilots that were on there had gone off and were down right scary!
You could but then you get the folks who say you cant do that to a ''R'' model... just have a wrap or plastidipped over it... Or if money wasnt a issue i'd ratt it...