This is mine, takes me right back to my childhood, my mum n dad went to see him live a couple of times and the album was always playing on the "record player" which resembled some sort of wooden drinks cabinet. I love this song and it always brings a smile to my face whenever I here it. Choose 1song and 1only, believe me it's difficult
The original version, please.......sorry, it is....but the video isn't IIRC. The best trio band going better than Cream, IMO.
I had a "hand-me-down" Decca record player and one second hand record - needless to say, it got played until the grooves wore out....
Stand out record for me is an album. Frank Zappa's Hot Ratz. My big bro and I went halves on it. It was the first album we owned. It was so completely different from anything else we'd ever come across.
Very early youth days. We had two sets of grandparents, one set was known as big nan being tall living in Woolwich and little nan in Hull. Little nan was very"come here and give us a cuddle" and every time we went to see them they had music playing. Cilla black, Glen campbell, dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Frank Ifield but mostly her favourite
My dad had the grand total of 2 cassettes when I was growing up. The Best of Paper Lace & The Best of Duane Eddy. The knowledge of the hits of both has served me well over the years, when every few months one of the songs of either comes on the radio and I dazzle my peers with "Who's This?"
I'm riding there next year on holiday. I hope I don't bump into the Mafiosi with a bulldozer in a dark tunnel.
I had two. First, there was Close to the Edge by Yes. It created my deep love for music. Later on, when life started to take its toll, it became Don't You Ever Learn? by Todd Rundgren.
My Dad used to play the shit outta this when I was a kid, especially when on the piss, it was my job to man the record player and put a new 45 on out of a box of about 200, this had to be played about every 5 - 10 times...... plus ABBA, The George Baker Selection, Pussycat, Lynn Anderson....and many more.
For me it has to be the Yorkshire crooner Ronnie Hilton, with his very fine rendition of A Windmill In Old Amsterdam, for obvious reasons!
The original probably doesn't exist, although I saw it when the song was first released......however there is a damn good black and white version live which is close.......(the original was black and white) (or for the pedantics, should I say monochrome?). I heard it when it was first released in the UK (I was doing my school homework at the time) it was this number that set my music taste, probably for the rest of my life...... He didn't use his teeth on the original.....
Summer Breeze by the Isley Brothers. Just reminds me of days out in my dad's car when I was a kid. The song for me just epitomises the hot summers we used to have back in the early seventies. Good times
Brings back memories for me too - happy days tearing about on an old 650 Triumph twin on roads which always seemed to be traffic-free and sunny.