Surely you get a more focused beast with the Speciale? Uprated forks, shock, lighter wheels? Obvs we'll all have to junk the Euro 4 compliant shite immediately. Bang goes another 3k.... eeek.
Stop being a fucking cock and trolling folk, and then maybe the forum wouldn't give you such a hard time?
Well, 12 minutes in and its not blowing my skirt up....scrambler (never liked them) but now theyve picked up a 70's paint job...Scrambler 1100....bloated version of the other one....
Ah good Andy, can you tell us what it means then? Police? Population? He with the huge intellect and staggering sense of humour lost me with this reply ?
Ive no idea....totally out with kid speak these days.... "Goals" means Good.... "Squad Goals" means really good... "Lit" means cool. "En Flicque" means youve got good style.... Ill ask my kids tonight see if theres any more new words....we can all be down with "the kids"
At the moment im more happy than ever to still own my Evo SP.... Maybe im missing something but is it wise to give a cream colour (and matt at that also i think) to a bike which is supposed to be for offroad....the paintjob wont last 2 seconds.... WTF - they just wheeled in the Chef!
Oddly enough it's not really a modern saying, it's more from the 80's / 90's original gangster rap and has been resurrected more recently. Damn I'm soo gangsta po
I skipped forward to the bit with the V4, so who/ why was the chef? Also, I swear they thanked Huey Morgan at the end who I think used to be the front man of the Fun Lovin' Criminals. Also also, how fed up did Lorenzo look? I guess they gave him the lesser bike to launch than Stoner. That's got to hurt. Upstaged again.
£10k for this^^^ and pretty paint. Full specs on linky below. The base and S come with pillion seat and pegs or maybe op extra. Top pic shows mounts.
There's a lack of images of everything. It's either startling arrogance or devious cunning on Ducati's part.
Agreed 35K is too high IMO for the Speciale even if it does have 2Kg less and 6HP more and a limited ed. plaque, other than that what are your getting for your 10K premium? So the Speciale is for the collectors and the speculators only. Agreed with @Sev it was a big disappointment they kept the SSSA instead of putting a lighter and stronger one in its place but I guess this is called the PANIGALE V4 - so I can only assume it's maintaining the style of the 1x99 bikes - which it does IMO. Was also disappointed with the weight of the bikes at 175Kg dry. If it was my money I'd buy the base model, fit a set of BSTs and get the suspension set up for my weight and riding and fit some lighter components and I'm sure I'd be happy once I'd learned to get get the most out of it and not expect massive grunt from tickover. Hopefully they'll bring out a 155Kg DSSA 'proper' race-bike-with-lights further down the line. Am I the only one thinking the 959's days are numbered? I liked the big Multistrada, looks like a good option for touring and/or pounding motorway miles.