I've test road every bike I've bought ( all 2nd hand to date) but only to see if they we're mechanically sound and as described ( as much as you can in a short blast) but not to see if I like the model as that could take weeks! If its new hopefully its mechanically sound at least!!
Yes pal, it’s used every other day to commute on (5k miles in the first 3 months - couple of mini tours included). I cycle to work on the alternating days. I really really really love the bike. Proper Ronseal job.
Nah...i hated my test ride....vibey bars ( well one side) and foot peg....too tall, made my shoulders ache after 20 mins, heated grips didn't get anywhere near hot enough on max and the suspension felt weird, oh, my son said " that looks pretty rubbish dad..." when I took it home...apart from that it was fine... Bought a z1000 in the end which I still love...
I have an S1000R. I test-rode one for a week in Italy before buying. I didn't test ride a 1299 before I bought mine, but I had previously owned a 1098 so knew what the score was likely to be. My S1000R is a 2016 model with the heated grips. I heard a lot about vibration issues but neither the hire bike in Italy or the one I have now seem to suffer.
I'd never test ridden any bike I had bought, however, back in the 80's I can't remember test rides from dealers being allowed. Mind you I never had the money to buy new back then. A break from biking from 1989 to 2013 some 24 years later my first test ride was on a 1199S. It wasn't the best test ride ever. I got off it and thought what on earth was that? Bought one straight away! I just knew it would be great and I was right. Trust your instinct.
I bought a GSX-R 750 Limited Edition (RR) and a ZXR750K1 (RR) without seeing them, as they were easily half market value at the time and if I hadn't they would be in someone else's garage now. They were 240 miles away! Sorry about the curvaceous Russian on the ZXR, couldn't find another pick
Haha! I'd love to mate but I'm explaining WHY I don't do them... I know what I'm like "let's just see if it'll do this, fk fk FKKKK!!!!!"
I bought my 748 without ever having ridden it, or any other 748. I knew it was a different proposition to my old SS and I knew it would take me a while to learn it. I figured a test ride might put me off. I bought from a reputable dealer, it was 9 months old at the time, never had any problems. Buying without a test ride worked for me. The only thing I remember was the gear selector was in a weird position for me. I did a complete circle of the first roundabout and back to the dealer to have it adjusted. After that, I've lived 17 happy years with that bike.
Only ever had one test ride, a Trumpet 675 and yep, I crashed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing too bad and no one else involved. I'd only just left the shop as well!!!! Anyway, still bought one. Lovely to look at, bloody horrible to ride. So, lesson learned that day, never test ride it.