Advice On Improving Mirrors On Biposto

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by 2Twins, Nov 12, 2017.

  1. Hello all

    Can anyone offer advice on how to improve the mirrors on a 916 please? My standard mirrors only tilt slightly and don't give a very good view of whats behind. Has anyone successfully fitted extenders? Any help would be much appreciated.

    Many thanks.
  2. WP_20150812_019.jpg
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  3. Not sure if that is an improved view...
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  4. Thanks Chizel

    I hadn't considered that option!

  5. its all relative!
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  6. your welcome. I done away with my standard ones all together as I didn't like the look.. I don't think they are ugly but I preferred it without em. ( and obviously they don't work so good)
    some keep em and use a bar end for the blind spot. I've gone with 2 oberon 60mm jobbies and i am very happy with em.
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  8. A mate of mine shaped 20mm wood to extend the stock mirrors on a 888 for touring 2up.
  9. At 1.20 the clothes worn might help with extra mirror visibility, or might get you a date, dunno

  10. Thread moved
  11. Ducati used to sell aftermarket mirrors that were alloy and extended out further than stock ones. I have only ever seen them in one of their catalogues (2002) but never on a bike.

    They don't look particularly pretty either and I doubt you may even be able to find them new or secondhand, but they did exist at one time.
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