Like me?????????????????? Cleaning my car and went to shut the hatchback and BANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The rear screen shattered? well it was my fault or so i thought but on further investigation it was my son who put the hoover extension in the boot while i was hoovering the back seats. Have you seen how much shards of glass a rear screen makes???? well it is bucket loads and i have spent the last 3 hours hoovering up the pieces, and now have at least 6 cuts to my hands and wrists. Moan, moan, moan....................................... Aghhh i feel better now, perhaps a cup of tea will help? Nope..................... decided to have a beer instead, after all it's still Christmas right????
On the bright side least the hoover was already out, so saved you a job there... A beer is for life not just Christmas.....or something was for life and not just Christmas anyway.
did that once trying to fit about 6 of us in the back of my mates dads renault fuego - had those curved ones to - ouch
Max abandoned me in the centre of Bergamo, where I found an excellent little pizza place with my favourite beer :biggrin: An excellent evening was had!