On the insomnia. I found routine works best. Normally at a set time I start to wind down, leave the internet and news programmes alone, start to read a good book to divert the mind then when going to bed, have a clock radio on for about 30 mins every night. 9 times out of ten it works. On the 1 time it doesn't then the key is to accept it, getting wound up accentuates the busy mind and the insomnia, If book reading is not your bag then mcn, bike magazine etc, you get the drift or read fin or dukes posts, they always send me to sleepzzzzzzzz
Thanks noobie for your suggestions. Would to be nice to think a magazine with Samantha Fox would work but nothing seems to work these days and the insomnia is a pain. (Omg, just realised mentioning Samantha Fox is a bit of an age give away)
Update for those interested. Licence application sent to the DVLA. Should be back driving/riding towards the end of next month. Have spent the last couple of months looking at what I want to buy but it keeps coming back to my first choice, the Scrambler Desert Sled. I intend to put a deposit down in a couple of weeks. I should wait until March I know but I will get 5 or 6 weeks riding this year. I am not a winter rider but I cannot wait any longer. Counting the days down.
That's a bummer my friend. My Mrs had to do this 8 mths ago .... she gets hers back in January .... It could be a lot worse u could have a fit while on the bike. At least they know what it is and you can get your licence back in a year. Chin up its far from over just on hold.
I cannot believe it. Went out for my first drive since August 2016 today. Cannot believe it’s been that long as it felt so natural, I thought i was going to feel nervous but no problems. My first drive was to Riders of Bristol to start looking and thinking. Still a Desert Sled for me I think. As I do not like wet and cold I am seriously thinking of waiting until March. Omg it’s good to be back. My wife needs a special mention for doing all the driving, she has been an excellent chauffeur.
Done it. Put a deposit down today on a new Desert Sled. Great time of the year to get a great price. Looked at a 8 month old one but not clean enough for me, so right next to it in the dealers was a brand white one, deal done in 5 minutes. Happy days.
nice one - lovely looking bike, and glad to hear all is going well p.s. pics are essential or you haven't got it!
He is home (a Desert Sled has to be a “he”, yes) the smell of a hot new bike should be bottled as aftershave.