Horrors! But Problems Solved Now

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Morristhemulti, Nov 17, 2017.

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  1. Makes no difference if main dealer did belts 5 months ago. Remaps don't break belts and bolts. :cool:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. So you don’t think reving the knakers off it on the rolling road caused this?
  3. That's what rev limiters are for, bikes are supposed to have the knackers revved out of them. Otherwise they would blow up every week. Well, mine would.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  4. Exactly that!!
  5. You have had the ecu broken and tuned? Maybe a map has been contaminated? But the belts being worn is a big worry, regardless
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  6. When you do a belt service you should loosen the pulley bolts and then retighten obviously, sounds like they weren't tightened. Am assuming you just had a basic mapping job after that and no cam timing adjustments?
  7. No ones been in the timing case since they changed the belts in June.
  8. Who did the belt service?
  9. Hi everyone,
    I picked up the bike today no valve/piston Dammage!
    The dealer said three of the pulley bolts had backed out!
    The bike now runs great. Thanks for all your posts I would rather not say which dealer did the work as everything was ok in the end and the work was free.
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  10. IMHO, it's not a question of warranty but rather the most recent Sale of Goods Act that places the responsibility squarely on the supplying dealer for the item being fit for purpose - Clearly after just 5 months it is not.

    Strongly suggest keeping the conversation amicable unless and until they try to avoid full repair at their own expense. If that happens, just mention you have rights under the SOGA as above.

    hope this helps
  11. Read above Sir, its fixed !! :D
  12. Just seen your update just before my post but pleased all was amicably resolved as it should be
  13. Result. Always best to keep the dealer's name out of it until you have exhausted all options, then launch everything :D

    Glad it was a simple fix and you're back riding the bike you like, enjoy.
  14. Thread closed
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