I think people easily underestimate the rise of technology and the pace it sets. Compare current cars with those of the 60s. More importantly, compare the use of computers and microchips now with the 60s. Who would have really imagined that Google could photograph the whole world (OK, I haven't checked Streetview in the Yemen) and put it on your computer for free so that you could wander the earth virtually? And what of road safety trends? Simple: increasing pressure to slow down, refusal to accept any road injuries, vilification of speeders, increased automatic cameras and controls, increased insurance premiums. Unlike trying to introduce tighter gun controls in the US, in the UK (and most other places) you can enact road safety legislation with impunity. Put all this together and you can see that the car is destined to become a private train. You'll get in, put your destination in the sat nav, and it will take you there while you read the paper (or more probably, bollox on the internet). Driving will be about as common in the future as controlling a team of horses pulling a carriage is today. You can do it, but no one does. The driverless car will be sold as more fuel efficient, safer and more intelligent, reducing congestion and journey times. It will also give the auto industry a needed fillip as people increasingly hang on to their perfectly adequate cars without changing them every five minutes. You might not like this scenario (I don't) but I am prepared to bet you it is coming and yes, unless you are already very old or ill, within your lifetime.
I see what you're saying, but you seem to underestimate the stupidity of many drivers/riders/cyclists/pedestrians. That's something the manufacturers can't afford to do for fear of falling foul of our beloved compensation culture. So while the technology is there, we'll see many decades more testing before one of them is brave enough to hit the streets with a fully automated vehicle. And how do you introduce automation gradually? No, I can see automation of hgv's and public transport coming before automation of cars (because they stand to make more money from it). But individuals are less likely to trust the tech; they'll vote with their wallets, and no manufacturer can afford to throw away potential punters like that.
Ha - I like this Glid, so a driver-less car system in the UK within 30 years? noo waay.. i'll go a tenner with you !
you might as well start writing out my cheque now :smile: :- BBC News - HS2: High-speed rail route phase two details announced costing £32 billion (you can double/treble that by completion) this could happen in 20 years (sic) and is at least a realistic option to your pipe dream
It's not a pipe dream and don't think I'm remotely in favour of it. I just don't underestimate the power of technology and what engineers are likely to get up to with it, just because they can.
only time will tell but I have no worries about the result - my personal opinion is that it is a pipedream - hope you (and me) are still around when it's time to collect