Ive shaved my newly grown goatee down to a soul patch this morning. That's as exciting as my life gets. :frown:
I've grown my goatee beard again and had it for about 6 weeks now. I think I'm starting to look like "Mong" the Merciless :wink:
i have a perpetual five o'clock shadow...i used to shave every couple of days, but now if it grows i start to look like a badger..i'd never have a beard or fanny tickler because im quite simply, too handsome.
I had a goatee beard for about 20 years until I met my missus and she hated it so now she makes me have more of the jason statham rough unshaven look.
I've decided to g for the full 'Hulk Hogan' look for Movember. Seemed like a good idea at the time, but I know it's going to get on my tits !
well a nice trimmed goatee beard is usually the norm but recently grown a bit more as to keep my chin warm on the bike also have to admit to growing my (as the wife calls them pornstar ) side burns over christmas mainly for a laugh the wife hates them lol
never had a beard before, but let the "mo" grow into a full beard just to see what it was like. itchy is the conclusion! i'll prob keep it for a while, but when it's time to put on the "race face" it'll have to go.... tho' might shave it into "Guy Burns"