No such problem here. After last night shift (either 12h 4on/4off or 10h shifts 4on/3off) I get home about 9am. Got to sleep about 10:00 - 11:00 and sleep 3:30 - 4th max if got no plans for evening. Then stay awake doing various shitty tasks like cleaning, laundry, shopping or less stupid working on bike. In evening star chilling out and stay awake till midnight. Then go to sleep and wake up on all days off, except one I am to go back to work, by 11:00. On last day when I do I do. Got it worked out ... Simples.
come on El Toro : you know the solution.. do the Guy Martin Thing : ... a good wank ... or two ... or three !
To quote the besideburned one "its not a crime is it, 'avin a wank" Been awake about two hours now, just can't get comfortable.
Try to memorise the notes on the entire guitar neck in every string. Test yourself: what is the note on the 8th fret of the B string? Etc. If it doesn't send you to sleep, at least it will help your guitar playing.
I've been up all night again I have this moron next door Decided in get 40,a to have a child and now isn't really interested . its in daycare 5 days a week and when she gets home the child is put to bed at 6pm. i work with children and I am a parent. I have to go it alone. The last two and a half years I've been woken up every night by child screaming shouting running about. The mother ignores it and she is asleep in the same room. I ended up quite sick through lack of sleep. You just lay there waiting for them to all kick off. One bad night I had enough went round in the morning and she was not in. ive moved my bedroom round , put a throw up on the wall so damp down the sound. I wrote a polite note saying that for over a year I had not had a night sleep due to them and when I had a child that woke up I used to take them downstairs so not to wake up next door. I did not scream back at them ( she screams back at the child) or ignore them. I said your waking up my family and my boys are struggling to get up and focus at school , That I had been ill and ended up in hospital and as soon as I came back I was woken up all night again. I politely asked could she move the child away from my bedroom wall. She was so rude .. I hit the roof and went round and she went for me!! While holding the child so I couldn't do anything. like hell am I going to deck her and loose my job. Basically I had to get the police out. She had told people next to me I was a drug addict and do we really want my sort living here with her loud bikes. I sat with the police and said I'm concerned about how this child is being treated. They paid her a visit where she turned on the charm .. Said she had laid special carpet to sound proof her house ( bullshit) . They came back and said the house was in order ... ( her mum comes round and does the housework!!). Later she said to me I am going to make you move out!!! So she has continued every night now. letting this kid ( not a baby) run about , last night throwing stuff , screaming and shouting for its Mum. so she ignores. or she copies it ..screams back. The child is rarely out. The final straw was I got a police visit . apparently my sons had been trashing the backs of people's houses. I let them carry on.. Then they asked where my boys in ? I said no ... They have been with their father all weekend. I asked what house was having a problem. they pointed to houses up road . ( one this woman has friend in). I said to the police funny that but my children have not been here this weekend . They said well the description fitted that of your children. Yes I said but one ... They are not here , and two they are not allowed to play out in my road. I do not let them roam about. Also mine are polite and been taught to respect things. Lucky for me the vandalism occurred while my children where away !!! I could proove it. Turned out the police officer knew me and said he couldn't believe it was mine but it was his job to check. I said fair enough ! My car has had stuff chucked all over it .. stuff pulled off of it , keyed. Always the same night ..and when this woman can't park her car out front if mines there. I got notes saying if my kid screams for ages come round and check as something may have happened to me. Like hell... Anyway last night she started again.. what the hell do you do ?? cant move at the mo. Ive been here years,more then her. Keep myself to myself. Am quiet. She told me I hate your fucking bikes ... F off take them and get out I want you out!!! What do you do. Tried recording her , tried being polite , Tried asking her and explaining its unfair to keep waking people up all night ! But she does it more and more ! Cant sleep , now making me very stressed out. She is clever in the fact she gone to people close to our houses and said to them Do we want the biker girl in our road ???!! Shes a drug addict... ( I don't touch recreational drugs at all!!). So sadly now I'm tarred .. Police said can't help. At wits end now . Last night was hell .. Over an hour of it again. Sorry I've tried being nice but it doesn't work .
Totally understand why you are struggling to sleep Melanie : ( - that's a horrible situation and I have no useful answers except to carry on 'walking the straight and narrow' just as you are as you can't possibly allow neighbour to gain any leverage now. (like I needed to tell you)
Mel.........In your area of work, I assume it is linked to Social Services in some way??? Maybe a 'backdoor' complaint could be made about her child's wellbeing? AL.
Ok try a few things this evening. Bedroom ,cool below 16 deg C. Put on relaxing classical music at a low volume on sleep mode and set it for an hour, and thirdly read a book in bed, when you feel your eyes begin to tire which they will. If you get used to a routine,as soon as you knock off the light you will drop off.
He'll be asking you over next to tuck him in :tongue: I can recommend this as sleep music Angus & Julia Stone - Memories of an Old Friend