Ohlins damper question

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. As the Ducati one is listed as 68mm stroke, I assume you can get any 68mm and then buy the fixing kit separately? Also, what if you fitted a 63? Measuring up the sizes you wont run out of damper rod quite, so would it still be effective?

    Looking at fitting to my evo but principle must apply to all doesn't it....

  2. i have a cbr600 one on my 853, then fitted using a harris fitting kit
  3. They are 63 I think looking at the info and the **8 and 848 are same fitment, thx Mike may be worth a punt
  4. A 63mm rod length will foul the steering. Best to go for the 68mm.
    models listed below all use 68mm rod length dampers
    748-998 1098-1198 749-999
    Ohlins part number you need is SD030.
  5. But a 63mm doesnt foul the steering on my 853.Its the same frame and was the same forks and top clamps as a standard one 916 when i first fitted it. All done for around 130quid.
  6. May be that the lock stops on the 916 are set differently therefore less overall travel on the damper.
  7. There are loads of yamaha and honda fitments which are 68 too, and the 749/999 is the shorter 63 on this website. Also expect need to avoid the ones with a fitting built in ala ZX10R

    Ohlins Steering Dampers - OPPRACING Products
  8. Nupty question then, why does the shorter one foul the lockstops? My monster one was way too long and fouled everything!
  9. DP measn that there may not be enough stroke in the cylinder to allow full lock. It;s fine on mine
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  10. Ar got it, but guess yours is max restricted anyway as your is race only. I've fond a couple I'm watchng which shold be 68 anyway so lets see how they finish...its bling all the way eh ;)
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  11. No, it worked fine on the standard lock stocks before the mag yokes where fitted.
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