Winter Project 1199s Build

Discussion in 'Builds & Projects' started by IanR, Nov 16, 2017.

  1. 408875E5-1D31-4FD3-9B88-E2E3B42E3C1F.jpeg BE49658E-8655-490F-A7C8-FAF31D4106A0.jpeg As the winter nights draw in I thought I’d have a go at the Tamiya 1/12 Panigale 1199S. Having a 899 in the garage helps as a reference!

    Unfortunately the good people at hobby craft have ruined the image with white sticker
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  2. good man, have you seen the metal laser cut upgrade parts for the model?
  3. Yep, but looks like nobody has stock till Jan
  4. I bought this Tamiya kit for my Dads 80th birthday a few years ago, also got the upgraded chain/forks/wheels.
    Fantastic detail. 20160409_170223.jpg 20160409_170237.jpg 20160409_170250.jpg
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  5. Looks good, like the detail
  6. 1FA0CDEB-6021-4AE7-8F1A-EE8881AADB48.jpeg 48CDA4E9-CAD0-4514-BEDC-B81AC2A24EAB.jpeg FE762025-DEEB-4D4F-BA12-10CF9C052030.jpeg That’s the engine block done. Detail from Tamiya looks excellent
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  7. Will do, just giving some thought on how to achieve the desired finish with the exhaust which is the next stage.
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    • Funny Funny x 3
  8. Tamiya PS-11 is the polycarbonate paint range for clear body shells?
  9. 1C7886BC-9BB4-47C0-8882-A0A1B698704B.jpeg 6B981009-067F-4055-9FF2-DCCF0241CF7E.jpeg After some delay in getting the right paints to match the actual bike as opposed to the instructions the exhaust is completed
  10. Good work. Are you using a spray or brushes to apply the paint.
  11. Mainly airbrush but some of some of the smaller detail I’ve been using brush. This will be more obvious when I get the radiator on as I had to dry brush to achieve the desired result with that
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  12. If you have the lime green coolant then the code for the paint is P1-SS. ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  13. I’m going on a diet to prove you wrong!
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. nice work, thought you would have put termis on it tho?
  15. That’s expecting a bit much for £38
    • Agree Agree x 1
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