So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. So, the "Movember Moustache" will finally be shaven off at midnight tonight (thank god).

    I'm really looking forward to it - my wife was starting to look like Tom Selleck.
    • Funny Funny x 3
  2. So far I've been awake since 3.15am. I've watched the final two episodes of Ray Donovan and done some work. I'm heading off to Scotland in a bit for the weekend to see #1 son and family who I've not seen since they moved up there in July.

    Not looking forward to a six hour drive but looking forward to seeing my grandchildren :)
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  3. My contract ended yesterday so today this is my first day of unemployment. Aww! :worried: But I've just been asked to start another contract in January that should last at least a year. Yay! :) They actually wanted me to start asap but I've not had a holiday since April so I told them I'm taking December out and they're holding the contract for me. Sometimes, I feel like one lucky bastard. :)
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Welcomed the wife back from Hospital, she's been in for a breast reduction. I have to say, she does look much better with just the two.
    • Funny Funny x 4
  5. At JHS getting an oil change and suspension set up. It’s bloody freezing today 1c outside and about 3c in their waiting room.
  6. Letting the train take the strain to Bristol today
  7. Went to see the ageing German rock outfit Faust in town last night, complete with angle grinders, cement mixers and lots of lager. :)
  8. Tool cabinet delivered to mums house today - picked it up in the van - fooking heavy! Took all the draws out and managed to slide it into the van.
    Slid it out straight into the house - now need to make room in the garage and some how manoeuvre it into the rear garage. Vindaloo first though and then I'll either crack on and get it done - or have some beer and fall asleep! o_O
  9. The latter I'll wager :)
    • Useful Useful x 1
  10. Ah, put the wheels on to take it through the house, into the back garden and into the garage!!!
    Wheels off tomorrow - just need some wood down to sit it on and slide it under my work bench - then it's drawers in time and the long slog tidying up and the fun bit putting all my tools and stuff in there o_O
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  11. I put duke in the lounge while the missus was out xmas shopping!
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  12. This morning I have been playing pirates and have found some jewels. I've been drawing a poison dart frog. And now in having breakfast.

    Later on I'm off to celebrate st Andrews at Loch Lomond shores. I think my grandchildren may come too :)
  13. Ah, Lomondside, what a fabulous place to be. 35 years ago I use to frequent a restaurent there that did the finest steaks, yum. Andy
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  14. Make sure you go to the toilet before you get in the car, it's a long journey! :)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. The best cheese toasties ever! Olive oil on the bread, coriander, chilli, onion chutney, cheddar, mozzarella.
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  16. McDonald’s?
  17. Started packing up ready to move back to sunny , bonnie Scotland :)
    Well it was sunny last time I was there ....o_O
  18. Wife’s friends around for dinner last night, and her birthday today. So presnte given and off for lunch later at some nice, award winning gastronomy in the Forest of Dene this afternoon. Now watching the bruising rugby league final
  19. Which watch and be interested in a restaurant review....
  20. Not from here it's not. I'm about five miles away. :)
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