What colours are your wheelie bins?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Major, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. Better than having to read about when is my Mutley going to implode, where should I put the sandwich toaster on my Mutley or how to a reset the server on my Mutley!!
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  2. Secret Santa sorted
  3. Blue,green,brown and purple
  4. Black = general
    Brown = garden refuse
    Mini Black = food
    Green crate = tins and bottles
    White sack = cardboard and paper
    Clear sack = plastic bottles

    Having said all that, we live 1/2 mile from the recycling centre (nobody calls them "the tip" these days!) so apart from the general and garden stuff we normally save it up and do it ourselves every other week.
  5. Maroon = general (weekly)
    dark grey = bottles, card, paper, plastic (fortnightly)
    blue = garden waste (fortnightly, march-nov, incl)

    btw, where does the food waste go? Recycled at your local burger fatfood joint (who shall remain nameless for fear of litigation)?
  6. Green and Black. Barnet must be sponsored by the chocolate people
  7. No one picks up any rubbish here.

    Refuse goes in the village bins. Stuff for recycling goes in paper carrier bags and is taken to the recycling place (handily enough down near the bottom of my garden) every now and then. It's only open once a week for 90 mins on a Saturday morning.
    I end up sorting paper, card, aluminium and steel, bottles (3 colours), milk bottles, PET. Occasionally there are batteries, foam rubber, polystyrene, broken crockery, defective electrical goods, miscellaneous junk.

    Compost goes on my compost heap.

    I sometimes wonder how I manage to have any general refuse, but I most definitely do.
  8. We don't get wheelie bins.just an assortment of bags which i generally forget which one so end up going to the tip when i go for work stuff.must be a Welsh thing .
  9. Moved to Cornwall recently.
    No wheelie bins.
    Black bin for rubbish, Small Red bag for plastic/tins, Small Orange bag for cardboard, even smaller Blue bag for paper, Black box for Bottles.
    Takes half an hour to move it all down to the gate for collection (if you remember which week the recycle collection is).
    Totally Crap system.
  10. welcome to cornwall lol, i have the same,blue/red/orange bags,and black bottle box, but whats the black bin for rubbish, we just have bin bags : (
  11. Green - Recycling
    Grey - Normal waste
    Small Grey - Food Waste
  12. As from beginning of this year, I now have to buy official rubbish bags at about CHF 2.50 (that'll be, say £1.50 each). This is to encourage recycling, obviously (well, or just impose a stealth tax). But it's pretty annoying for me as I am already recycling metal, cardboard, paper, glass, plastic, vegetable matter, plastic milk bottles - all separately (such is the system here). There isn't anything else I can recycle, so it's just an added expense.

  13. Wonder how long before the UK gubbermint and councils cotton on to this little ruse? :rolleyes:
  14. It's been in effect in Switzerland for ages, but it was a cantonal thing and my canton didn't impose it. Now the big bad federal government has made it mandatory in all cantons.

    Bearing in mind how the UK doesn't introduce any new ideas about anything unless they were hatched in the USA, I'd say you can sleep easy.
  15. Blue box for glass, green wheelie bin for garden waste, pink sack for recycling, black bag for rubbish.
  16. 2 green bins, 1 with green lid for standard waste, 1 with blue lid for recycled waste also know as green waste !! And 1 green sack for garden waste.
  17. Refused the councils kind offer of a wheelie bin/s and still use plastic sacks, green for waste and clear for recycle.
  18. ive just been reading in a trade mag, that a gas we use in coldrooms and refrigeration over here , which i buy for about £120 for 12kgs, and knock it out for 30 per kg, in Switzerland the goverment are taxing £50 per kg on the stuff in hope to push towards green refrigerants like propane & butane which are harmless to the ozone and global warming , must be a green place but expensive to live
  19. wrapping is one of my biggest pet hates

    3 slices of ham in a pack? WTF

    I do my best not to purchase these sort of pre packaged things - although they did have a christmas tube of Jaffa cakes in the Coop for £1.25, had 60 jaffa cakes in it but they were all in individual normal boxes inside the bigger pack - bargain :upyeah:
  20. Right on both counts, but so long as you are earning Swiss francs, it's green and fine. :smile:
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