Excuses excuses or that old chestnut mate

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by dickdastardley, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. Well after a shit year of riding with all the bad weather, time availability etc - Its going to be MOT time in a couple of months and I`m going to get horrendous piss taking by the garage when they see I only managed a few hundred miles since the last one, is there a bona fide excuse or should I just take the verbal flagellation like a man . . . ?
  2. shouldn't worry, I have a Honda that did 7 miles - MOT due in March
  3. Get someone to put you in a plaster of paris body cast and claim that you've been off the road all year after a very heavy "off" :wink:
  4. If you had a MTS1200s, you could say it has been at the dealers all year for warranty issues :upyeah:
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  5. Whose business is it how many miles you do. If they take the piss, go elsewhere
  6. Take it like a man :p
  7. A kind of whingeing bluster then.............................:tongue::biggrin:
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  8. My brothers mot station know how far they are from him, from the identical mileage (6 miles or so) on each mot. It couldn't be worse than that could it?

    Both of my bikes will only have a couple of hundred miles each on them this year, none of it done by me.

  9. Yes, but Phil you have a very real reason for that
  10. This is true. My brother doesn't have an excuse for not riding his VFR though.
  11. Yes he does. He owns a VFR!
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  12. On the Beeb news last night they said that 2012 was the second wettest year since records began about a century ago.

    Interestingly, in the top 10 wettest years they had 2000, 2002, 2008 and 2012. They also said the trend was to continue, or get worse.

    Don't tell me there is no climate change (as umpteen people did last time I mentioned it).

    Just tell them that they should see the miles you did on your hovercraft.
  13. IIRC there was an acceptance of climate change, because the alternative climate stasis is ridiculous, the sticking point was whether and to what extent it was man made.
  14. tell them every time you started the bike you took a huge erection and had to go back indoors and masturbate,this will save you the embarrasment of admitting you were scared of the rain.....sorted.
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  15. Slap false tan on and say you have been globetrotting with celebrities
  16. tell them they obviously havent seen the cost of petrol these days

    or tell them you take your better bikes to a better garage down the road.....
  17. Say " dam those bloody Ducati speedo cables ... They must be made of cheese the rate they break."
  18. Never apologise, and never explain.

    Sorry, that was just a joke.
  19. you don't have to explain, or apologise for that matter :wink:
  20. Spanns at Sandiway have been doing bike MOT`s since about 1948, the testers have ridden and have heard it all before :rolleyes: :wink:
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