Milling Aluminium With My Router. Oh Yes!

Discussion in 'Builds & Projects' started by Noods, Dec 7, 2017.

  1. Not one to be beaten easily..

    Needed to cut a neat slot in Aluminium and do not have a milling machine, yet, anyway..

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  2. Easily done with the correct flute cutter, probably took three or four passes to get through that thickness.
    Don’t expect your router to last long doing this though because the bearings will wear quickly.
    Also if it catches while cutting will send the router off the table and will be very dangerous.
    Kinda cool though
  3. Nicely done @Noods ! Now to try making some bike stuff with it maybe?

  4. O
    Yes had to do it gently.. the router wouldn’t go anywhere as the base is screwed to the board and the board is clamped to the bench... this is a second router and tbh I can’t justify spending on a decent mill which would get little use and take up a lot of valuable space...
  5. Yes mte that is my plan.... I’ve found some 1/2 collets to fit this router now and have a few milling flutes I can now use too so that will help a little bit... x
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  6. Cool Noods :cool::upyeah:
  8. Why the quote with no message ????
  9. I was having issues with posts not going out right away. They were hanging up on me so I had to back out of the thread. Don't know why the quote "Necessity is the mother of invention" ended up where it ended up. Hopefully this one will work...
  10. Re read it and you'll find it.
    And it ends with a X which is kind a nice. :)
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  11. 'cause she posted it at 0430! Minnesota folk are known to be a bit unhinged! ;)

    edit - forgot the smiley!
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  12. Nice one Noods.
  13. Nice work. Like the choice of music too.
  14. No worries
  15. used router cutting bits in my lather to mill some nice round edges onto aluminium

    worked quite well
  16. Nice one. I think the music had to be loud to drown the hideous screaming whine from a highly stressed router! My 1/2" 1 HP Ryobi makes enough noise just cutting wood. Have on occasion thought of trying this myself but the bearings on mine are shot as it is (hence the noise). I would worry about bits snapping. They can come off the machine like bullets.
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