Wine Clubs And Coffee Clubs

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by camelfarmer, Dec 9, 2017.

  1. Yorkshiremen are like the Scottish but without the sense of generosity
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Yeah come on Mr Farmer explain yourself?
  3. brown is not politically correct now. Its black. And im pink. I mean white.
  4. Brown or black isn’t racist. If you call someone brown or black and they get upset you call me.
  5. It changes daily I think - I had a Black GF and called her Brown, she asked why and I said because she was brown :) She said, oh - I suppose...
  6. I normally just call them by their name, or bellend, which ever seems appropriate at the time
  7. Sometimes you don’t know their name.
    And people are like ‘the tall fella wearing a coat, with the hair, fella, I think he’s an accountant... JUST SAY BLACK!
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. Brown :thinkingface:
    There's a club local to me. I'm on the mailing list but couldn't subscribe as my PayPal is overseas account. There are a few good roasters in Nottingham. Developed my love of coffee while living in Australia.
    I use a single boiler italian espresso machine, not the cheapest machine to buy but its paid for itself ten fold.
    200 degrees coffee in Notts run a barista course, never needed to do it but I've heard its worthwhile.

    • Like Like x 5
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  10. I’d love a proper machine:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Worth every penny. When I started out I bought what I could afford, looking back if I'd have realised how much use it would get and how much I enjoy using it I'd have stretched to a double boiler.
    I definitely recommend taking the plunge. It's satisfying making the perfect cup :upyeah:
    It's great to find independent coffee shops around the country and there are some great roasters producing amazing beans
  12. If you had a nespresso would your head explode?
  13. Nope.... I started with a Nespresso. I like them. Consistant good coffee, great choice of capsules, clean, tidy and low maintenance.
    If Nespresso could master the art of stretching milk It would make a great weapon of choice for every kitchen.
    I don't mind coffee from a vending machine or freeze dried from a jar, I receive what's expected. What makes my head explode is going into coffee shops that have a £10K+ machine operated by untrained staff churning out cups of hot garbage, disappointing not seeing them used to their potential.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Ditto

    Their 4 kilo bags offer is great - I’ve had a Jura bean to cup for 7 years pricy but still going strong - just had a hot chocolate :)
    • Like Like x 1
  15. I have a machine that takes capsules can’t remember make
    It’s now at the back of shelf as cafetière coffee is nicer

    I bought if for the kids hot chocolate but at £5 for 8 cups of chocolate it became expensive
  16. Still don't get how your ethnicity sways your buying capability?
    Perhaps you would like to expand?
  17. Kind of....drink quite a lot of tea...must be a China cup. Best bags yet are "Miles tea bags"..... Not found better yet!
  18. [​IMG]
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Brown people struggle to buy things for full price. This is a well known fact.
    • Useful Useful x 1
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