Seriously for once , does anybody know if I cover a wall in those horrible looking egg box style studio tiles will this deaden noise from next door? They look easy to put up ( it says spray glue??? So I take it display mount?) It's not my own home, but the landlord is fine as long as when I leave I decorate. It's really so I get some sleep as its been over two years of being kept up at night by a very ignorant cow. I'm getting really unwell and my work has commented on how tired I come in and look.. Any advice would be fab ... Muso's may know
block it some, but better to find somewhere quieter me thinks, earplugs cheaper, but not ideal, doctor may give you sleeping pills, they do the biz
According to the laws of Physics, it's the base notes which travel the best through concrete. Hence why those Knobs/Chavs in Peugeot 106's fit the base speakers in them. ( that doesn't sound right does it ? Peugeots aren't made of concrete, before some smart arse comments ! ) If I had the problem, I would try and get lots of sleep one day ( alcohol then earplugs ) and then get a sub-woofer against the wall + speakers. Then I would play Led Zep, Physical Graffiti over and over again, until they got the message. Failing that, get some of us to turn up with our Termis on full chat - blow the windows out !
No....not enough tack.....use carpet some from your local carpet shop or fitter (not from the big carpet places).......wear a mask and nitrile gloves..... and when you leave, be prepared to plaster the wall if you pull all the deadening stuff off. AL
agree john, but to stop you being tired all day and grouchy , worked for me when i was laid up for a year after bike accident, but yeh report the bar stewards, better to do that, but if renting id be looking to move, but easy for me to say that as i dont know the circumstances and it may not be possible, hope you are able to sort it, must be horrible
I empathise, I too have a similar problem with what I shall call the Friday night slag!!! 4.00 AM music sessions! I cannot stress enough how bloody awesomely good these are, you'll sleep like a baby :smile: For a skydiver you really should try them, they're re-usable upto about half a dozen ish times too, bonus BioEars Soft Silicone Earplugs - 3 pairs - Boots Don't buy the cheap wax ones, they're very uncomfortable and will have you running to the doc's with wax build up!! BioEars - it's the way forward
The day I moved into my current house the knobhead renting next door came in late and thought he would mark his territory by having his music on loud in the middle of the night. Got up in the morning, put the music system to his wall turned up the volume and went out. I work away a lot so dropped a note through his door saying I hope the music doesnt keep you awake. I will be back in a couple of days. Never had any more trouble after that. Ignorant wankers only understand ignorant responses unfortunately.
Ufortunately the egg boxes wont work as these are for stopping the noise within the room they are placed as they prevent sound reflecting off hard surfaces. You could ask the neighbour to put some on his walls !. You could go through the local council and raise the issue, they may send round an assessor to measure the noise within your room
EDIT - Must type faster!! No, that's the other way round for noise suppression in places like radio studios to stop echos. It's to do with the sound bouncing it's way down into the cones and not coming back out. I'm afraid there's not a lot you can do to prevent noise coming into your place. Have you tried covering up the unwanted noise with white noise?
Tried earplugs ..... The cost of moving .. Smashing up my parking area .. And painting back to magnolia are not in my budget plans at the moment... I planned to gradually paint back get rid of my gear as much as I can then move. I have some stuff to sort out first then moving is an option. My landlord owns hundreds of houses. I half own a house but it's all tied up with my ex ... So I have a choice of spending loads on a solicitor and sorting the owned house stuff out or moving. I've tried earplugs and I'm now taking 3 lots of nytol a night and not working. I've slept at a mates , I booked myself into travel lodge once cause I'd had it. All the lazy cow has to do is go see to the kid that's in the same room as her and take it downstairs !!!! I used to do that with my boys. I lived inbetween 2 childless couples and when I was pregnant I said to then if I disturb you or the baby does please say as I know you both work. I've tried the nice way .. Which ended up in her being so vile the police had to come out .. I get weird notes saying if you hear the child screaming for a long time please come and check as something may have happened to me ???? I have got up and made it apparent that she has woken me up .. ( after 30mins plus of noise). I have to be able to wake up and get to work and look after my kids . I've fallen asleep at work several times now She's just one of those thick ignorant lazy bints.. The other thing was sitting in the bedroom at 5 am on her phone loudly. Putting the radio playing the pips on at night .. I swear to god I've done nothing to aggravate her ... I keep myself to myself .. But I'm getting bad tempered and exhausted.. I've had people offer to pay her a visit !!! But seriously I don't want to land up in jail due to her. If I could move tomorrow I would Maybe in a few months ... But not yet.
If you buy king span foam insulation boards in 8x4 Sheets cut between wood stud partitions then plasterboard that should do it. Leave a inch gap in between the wall and stud frame. If your funds will stretch then put rock wool in between the stud and wall to. You'll be snoring in no time. Zzzzzzzzzzz
So sorry to hear about your nuisance neighbour..ive been there a couple of times (posted about it once on here when the neighbour aimed a real, genuine bone fide gun at me.... sadly, egg boxes/acoustic foam and such like are not for isolating a room, or to eliminate external noise, they are for controlling the sounds generated WITHIN that room ie in a recording booth etc. to try and deaden the sound from next door would be expensive (and would involve building a false stud wall with an insulating barrier such as rockwool or kingspan...and if the property is semi detached you will still get sound and vibration travelling along the floor and roof joists). That said, this would make a difference...have you thought about simply turning your music up full bore and leaving for a few hours? Have you tried environmental health? They were great when my (now dead or living in a care home somewhere) 36 stone neighbour had a vertical lift installed. this was an industrial piece of equipment, not a stannah stairlift.. it was so loud and caused so much vibration that it did damage to my ceiling and the party wall..he also used to have his sword and sandals epics on until 1-2am every morning, then youd hear the lift which used to take exactly 45 seconds..he would use it 20+ times a day. his horrible wife still lives next door but she doesnt use the lift... Anyway, environmental health visited them, explaining that i didnt have a problem with them, but rather the installers of the lift....several weeks later, keeping a diary and them with holding money from the installers helped to ease the problem..since then its been 10000% better. I would recommend keeping a diary of all the noise, how its affecting you, even copies of things like your posts here, testimony from other neighbours, your work is even worth you buying a decibel meter to record actual sound levels...i might even have one somewhere, which if i find it, im happy to post to you... Best of luck x
years ago i lived in a flat in bournemouth, i used to ride to work sometimes on my japanese bike, the woman who lived beneath me was a real pain in the ass, non worker type she used to come back from the pub at closing with her mates and play music, have fun etc in return i a couple of times the next morning i went down stairs, put my bike round in the front garden , a bit of fast idle, then a bit of redline, a few revs, then id go out she soon shut the fuck up, especially when i turned the bike of, went back up stairs, grabbed a coffee, then went back down and did it again i hate noisy bastards sometimes you have to fight fire with fire
I think keeping a diary is a good plan,as said above.Note every incident.Visit your doc lots.Get in touch with the council,keep on to them.If its making you ill,then thats wrong.Hope you get sorted.
I rang Social Care , its not something I take lightly however there's been a few other things bugging me ..... I have sort of mulled it over for nearly two years and given her the benefit of the doubt .... but .. I had a chat with someone else and they said ring... Well if she has nothing to hide she has nothing to hide....... Im dam sure if I had some biker chap with me here she would change her attitude and learn to be a parent and not be so cocky. I am not the greatest parent in the world nor perfect but I would not treat a little one like she treats hers..... I am not popular in my road as I don't look the part nor do my boys (very long haired) but tough luck. The funniest one was the natter about the different men that came round (sadly I am not a man magnet) but the fact most of my friends are men and bikers. I heard one day ... ohh another man and another different bike ..... The chap the other side said to one bloke "oh your not the usual man whos here !!!" WT????? Basically its not ok to be single female have a life and have male friends. Its just one of those roads full of curtain twitchers with nothing better to do. When my folks came up they told my parents your daughter is up all night, quite a few men visit the house, and she doesn't get up til late on a Sunday ...... My Dad turned round and said My daughter works hard all week she's on her own and actually she is very ill and been in hospital several times lately, She has that woman next door driving her mad and keeping her awake all night she's exhausted and in pain most days. If your that bothered maybe you should go and ask her if she needs anything or any help .... instead of gossiping... He did not know what to say...... said oh I had no idea... So I have reported her .. maybe she will then look after the little girl and get her act together and take note that I will not put up with it. Ive found some stuff called Green Glue ..... I have to put up plaster board then cover it in this green glue then another plaster board it takes 30 days to go off but it absorbs the sound ... Il read more up on it... Its going to cost a few hundred pound with is annoying. Im also going to buy a sound pillow .. and those ear plugs mentioned . Im just scared that I won't hear if a smoke alarm goes off or someone gets in when I am on my own
You say your landlord owns hundreds of places, so why don't you have a chat with them rather than demolish your place. Explain the problems you're having; they may be able to offer you somewhere quieter, or better still get rid of the person that's causing the problem.
been through hell in 2 locations with noisey neighbours councils are total crap with noise control and you have to be very persistent with getting them to do anything but if you have a genuine complaint and keep at it you can get the neighbours quietened down with noise abatement notices my advice is do not ever speak to the neighbours directly, they may turn violent and they will then run to the police claiming you assalted them - this happened in both cases where we confronted noisey neighbours police do not want to know about noise so the only way to get them involved is to start making complaints about anti social behaviour which they do have to get involved in keep a good diary of every single incident and adopt a zero tolerenace to any problem, record it in your diary and make a complaint to council / police if after a few months escalate complaints by contacting your local mp , listing out cases where the council / police have not operated properly and have failed in their duty, exscalate complaints to council ombudsman / head of police police complaints commission with the last episode where the police tried to arrest my wife after the idiot down the road assaulted her and the police refused to do anything constructive until I went to the local mp who got involved, the police suddenly decided they could do something and 2 years worth of noise and harrrassment ceased immediately in the previous episode the councils noise control were it would appear accepting some form of back hander becuase they were refusing to issue a noise abatement notice against a neighbour whom they had official noise recordings done becuase of some spurious excuse, when confronted with a threat of legal action against them for not issuing it that would commence in 7 days they suddenly decided after months of delays that they could issue it, same result immediate cessation of noise generation on the other hand, terraced housing and noisey neighbours, had a neighbour wake us up once with a 4:30am party, 10 minutes with a hammerdill doing DIY on the other side of her bedroom wall at 7:30 am the next morning sent a very clear message, she didn't speak to us for months, but she never had another 4:30am party either - this neighbour was a lawyer and a bit smarter than the other 2 if your neighbour is a council tenant you can get her evicted