And you wonder why this country is in a mess

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Freak, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. I thought he was taking the piss at first, I am lost for words, the government aren't being tough enough on this type of lazy scrounger. :mad:
  2. There's no incentive to get up if you know your way around the benefits system. My mum was in dire financial straights after dad died, and couldn't work due to her own illness. So I got a mate of mine to pop round and have a chat. He's a world class dole bludger, and within half an hour he'd trebled her benefits just by making her aware of what she was legally entitled to claim. I think she ended up with just over £200 a week, plus of course her mortgage was being paid and other benefits. This was a good couple of decades ago, too. What's the point of working if you can legally get that kind of dough for gratis?

    The system worked for my mum as it was designed to do, and I certainly wouldn't begrudge anyone who was genuinely incapacitated, but there are way too many lazy bastards leeching off the system, and it's those that need a cattle prod to the arse. There's streets that need cleaning, old people to look after, rivers and canals to tidy up, all sorts of other stuff. If you're able-bodied and unemployed I see no reason why you couldn't be enlisted to spend maybe 8-16 hours a week helping out in exchange for your benefits, and that would help stop a lot of the maggots who are claiming dole and still working.
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  3. Can you send your mate around here? If you can't beat em, join em.....

  4. Crossed my mind many times, believe me.
  5. I can't believe how difficult it is for any persons other than it seems, 'tinted', one legged, lesbian, single mothers with 20 kids each; or probable terrorists or weasel like tw*ts with knob-ache to get any assistance from the State.

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  6. It seems only the dole bludgers know their way around the system, decent honest people just take what they're given without questioning it. My mate got a grant to get his house refurnished, he was even given a TV allowance and a pet allowance, ffs.
  7. Another thing that bugs me. A lad comes down my local who's never worked, he split from his parents so he doesn't get any help from them, but he's sat down the boozer every night looking at his iPad. I've worked my whole friggin' life and I can't afford the beer, never mind the ipad.:mad:
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  8. We are breeding a nation of lazy bastads, the number of times I arrive at customers houses at midday or later to work only to find a teenager or twentysomething emerging from their pit expecting coffee and breakfast from their parents amazes me. Their parents seem to be encouraging them into the dosser lifestyle.
  9. Like the guy I know moaning about his 52 inch plasma ...
    Cause you know can't work ...
    But can drink a pub dry and walk to it ..
    You paid for his plasma .....

    Can't even bare the thought of being at home not working I'd be bored stiff.

    Not all of us set out to be single parents .Sometimes families split up.
    But I am horrified at the amount of young girls who just get pregnant and don't have to work again and get handed a council place ...
    Furnishing grants the lot..
    They know how to play it ..
    Then refuse to work as have a kid to look after ...
    It's wrong .
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  10. I was raised in a children's home and the girls all played the game of getting pregnant and then moving out in to a council house fully expensed and supported.
  11. I've been off work for 5 weeks now and I'm bored stiff. Thankfully I'll b doing something productive again and earning from week monday and I cant wait, but its the feeling i'm not earning my place in society thats the killer..
  12. If I was in charge I'd still give benefits, but if they are able to work then that's what they'll do to get them. Cleaning parks, painting run down buildings, picking litter etc etc.
  13. My 20-something son emerges from his pit about midday. You would see him if you were at my house.

    Then he heads off to work, does a 10 hour shift and gets home by midnight if he's lucky.
  14. Hope this young man's efforts lead to employment:

  15. Simplify benefits, which I know is a complex thing to do, and link benefits with some form of public service. I also like the US law introduce by Bill Clinton, a Democrat, which said that a person could only be in receipt of state unemployment benefit for a maximum of 5 years in their lifetime.

    However do not forget that the benefit system also provides income for a whole layer of bureaucracy in whose interest it is to maintain this state of affairs. The providers of benefit are just as much a problem as the recipients of benefit. The liberal left feed off the poor and it is in their interests to keep them poor. Time for a bit of tough love I think :eek:.
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  16. Oh, and one other thing. I would have him shot for saying wiv and fing instead of with and thing :eek:
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  17. Spoken like a true tory :rolleyes:
  18. There just aren't enough grammar and pronounciation related shootings these days, are there.. :D

    I do agree though, it drives me mad.
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  19. i work with kids that are excluded from school for behavioral problems
    and a good percentage come from familys on benefits dad doesnt work why should i attitude
    they wont get up in morning because have been up all night xbox or whatever
    parents dont care weather kids are in school or not as long as not at home
    depressing thing is a lot of them dont care about the value of things as if they want something they just steal it
    i admit this is not everyone on benefits as majority of the time you could say its the parents
    but also society
    myself i have been off work for three months due to operation and well driving me stir crazy

    well thats my two bobs worth
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