British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. yip, i think most scots know the basics noob. they know it was built a 1/4 of a bill under budget and pretty much on time . they also know when the Scotsman tried to criticize the government for only saving 53% on finance charges through using a different kind of PPP. that maybe they "the scotsman" was trying to hard. which explains why their circulation has collapsed and is at the point of closure, what many scots still dont know is that a lot of the money to build it came from the scot gove getting back much of the underspend that labour had been sending back to the uk treasury for 8years or that half of all council tax collected goes towards servicing v.expensive ppp and pfi contracts set up under previous labour/lib administrations. i can also tell you that the scots will know everything about an unforeseen crack in a 60year old bridge but nothing about the schools and hospitals falling down built under labour.
    check out the most boring vid ever. but with a pretty explosive end. why wont the msm follow this up?
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  2. who knew elmor had a less intelligent bro from Yorkshire?
  3. When you say "scots", you mean UKers in the North, right?
  4. yip, yer northern region.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Liz: translate the above please :thinkingface:
  6. I'll read that link when it's archeived if that's okay fin :upyeah::D

    Can I put something to you fin, you insisting everyone in the world is against the snp and the only one to be believed is a crackpot gamer who has refused to live in Scotland for 20 years preffering to live in England and having a personal blog, is the only person to provide the truth, might explain why you struggle on so many political issues.

    Why won't the msm follow it up? because the bloke is a barm pot whose sat nav fails any further north than somerzet.

    Could it just be fin, that you have swallowed the little yellow book so much that you have become like one of those in North Korea under the dictatorship of Kim jun sturgeon, or in the states for Nicola Miscavige and believe no one else has the truth to offer but your own little sect?

    This is why the eu would support Brexit more than Scottish independance, they know she and the party she represents, are loons and that is some high standard given the eu loons thinking it.
  7. OK, just did that mate - he wants to know if you're still working on an assumed price of $110/barrel ?

    (he didn't mention your deficit running at 2x that of little England and out-of-control social costs)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. With pleasure.

    "Whose round is it?"
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  9. whose figures where those and what was the uk treasury predicted price at the time? how did norway make 9bill last year and we lost money during the same period tho we produced more?.
    the 13.5bill deficit?:D yip yer deffo farages man. to much to be going on with for the kipper to fully grasp but 25 out of the 26 parts to the gers figures are estimates, we get a uk population share of various sectors, tho we contribute up to 28% in some of them, food and drink for example.
    scot produce is allocated to ruk if it leaves through an english port, then there is the unknown allocations, ie oil that leaves via tankers instead of through Scottish terminals. that goes to ruk. etc etc etc. and to think you trust the city trader to pull you out the EU based on his interpretation of the figures. :grinning:
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Tight fekker inhe!!! :eek:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. They were from the SNP's economic blueprint for independence...
  12. yip, the 110 was, what was the uk treasury figures for the same period? nearer 140 was it?
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  13. 9face palms exe? typical kipper/tory, more faces than a town clock.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. "The impartial Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) dramatically revised down its predictions for how much oil and gas will generate for the rest of the decade, projecting the sector will only generate £600 million in 2016/17.

    Annual North Sea revenues are not expected to increase above £800 million for the rest of the decade but oil would need to generate around £8 billion per year – ten times as much – to maintain current spending levels in a separate Scotland."
  15. yip, thats the extent of uk mismanagement, other models are available. norway made 9bill in the same period last year, you will even need to pay a share for the decommissioning, hmm wonder how many, MP'S and lords have interests in these off shore company's?.
    anyhoo you mentioned the predicted price in the white paper, can you give like for like figures?
    it was touted at the time that indi would cost 1.5bill a year for the first 5years(uk gov figures) whats the predicted cost for scotland re brexit?
  16. Fin, you cannot compare Norway to the UK as a whole nor to Scotland.

    Ah yes, the little Englander's mismanagement again, it would be all dandy if you were running it all though eh?

    No I don't have the figures for us dunce's oil price predictions and I'm not sure why that is relevant as it wasn't us knuckle draggers telling you clever lot go indie.

    You haven't addressed that book-balancing I alluded to earlier, but that's OK. You also haven't addressed the state of play with regards Ireland and Wales either, or should they just f*ck off as the daft Englanders will continue to pay for them as is currently the case?
  17. Getting slightly back on topic so it seems that yes indeed Russia and Putin were behind rigging the Brexit vote, turns out that 3 ads were placed on Facebook by people in Russia that reached "less than 200" people and cost a staggering 75p (yes 75 pence) to place :rolleyes:
  18. why not? some product so same price, same waters.same methods, apart from the accounting part of coarse. only we extracted more strange init airduck?, shell for example, payed tax in every country it operates in last year including Norway except the uk, another strange one no?
    the rest of yer baloney is just that, baloney. i have answered everything you asked, but you have selective eye sight.
    and yip, time to change the subject. back to Russia. :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. OK Fin, please resurrect your favourite pro-SNP thread and you can continue this there.

    Why not? Are you kidding? OK, let's try:

    Norway has fewer people than in Scotland.
    People are rich in Norway, people are relatively poor in Scotland.
    You are FIVE times more likely to be assaulted in Scotland than in Norway.
    You are EIGHT time more likely to be burgled in Scotland than in Norway.
    Annual cannabis use is 83% higher in Scotland than in Norway.
    Scottish people are SIX times more likely to believe a bearded guy lives in a cloud looking down on us than people in Norway.

    I stand corrected Fin, please accept my apologies, yes - you can compare Norway to Scotland :upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 2
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