lovely bike currently snuggled up to a radiator in my house, mot until next August, only a couple of previous owners, 1994 model although these were only made between 1994 and 1996, condition is very good. Had a full top end engine rebuild this year at a specialist in rvf's, previously won championships on these. Mileage around 14,000 A respectable 63bhp, the rear has been slightly raised, a mod that improves turn in and turn in it does. Not going to advertise elsewhere at present, delivery is available as I have a van. Bike needs nothing, only imperfection I can see is the rvf logo on the front fairing is in yellow instead of white. Hart sticker and exhaust sticker now removed, also top radiator is not standard it's a copy but works as it should, nice quick smooth bike, around £1400 of engine rebuild receipts. £5,995 I will listen to offers but honestly not much movement.
I used to commute on one a few years back. Loved it, but I was too tall for it. Sold it for less than half what you want for yours, about 10 years ago. Isn't that the way. Good bikes, super little engine.
I do love it chiz, I owe a bit on my van be nice to clear it, I'm only advertising it on here and be fine if it doesn't sell but you know life is short and it would ease things, but hey not fussed it's a beautiful thing. Did you go Carl's? Me and Debbie were ill so didn't venture down but yes be great to meet up, if I can go to London before Xmas I'll give you a shout
Sublime little bikes. Sold mine to Alistair Bailey a few years back for around £1200 Still, it lead to bigger things..
Yep, still waiting on the finder's fee. I'm beginning to think I might have to get the bailiffs round.
I have a Honda, it's great around the garden as long as you keep on track and out of the gravel! Seriously though it's a beautiful bike. I love them. I'd definitely let one in my Italian stable.