British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. meh, to early. i can only muster a *finger*.
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  2. Wales is also doing this in 2019. The tax will be based on where you live rather than where you work.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. With the bigger picture of 'just what the hell is going to happen now the country's lost its mind' , vehicle thief is pretty much a 'back seat' issue.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. I don't need politicians,union bosses,senior civil servants,judges,lawyers,or any taxpayer-funded uniform wearers of any hue to explain anything to me about the EU,because:
    (1)Those who have or have had their paypackets filled with Joe Publics money will almost certainly stand with their fellow parasites and demand to remain-it's easier to hide dead wood in a forest.
    (2) Had I been asked in 1980,I would have voted to leave.I had misgivings before we joined the EC,(when de Gaulle,the arrogant sonofabitch that tried to distort Frances capitulation/the Allied victory into some kind of heroic act on his part),was yanking the chain of successive British governments.(In fact I have ALWAYS held the opinion that Belgium/France etc have harboured a collective grudge against the British for having to save them,twice,from German bullying...can't be easy knowing that you owe your very existence to a country but have never even attempted to repay the debt,financially or politically).
    (3) And because I have 45 years of experience of living under the EC/EU boot heel,keeping my eyes open and seeing for myself the damage wrought on this country by an endless stream of unnecessary regulation,(which for some reason British governments embrace with alacrity but most European governments ignore),which inevitably favour mainland EU interests to the detriment of the British,(Common Fisheries Policy is one of them),I have formulated my own opinion as to whether EU membership is good for the UK and voted accordingly.
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  5. Clearly Snow boarders...otherwise I'd have said.
  6. I don't hear of car theft very much anymore. May be 'cause me and all my friends have older cars?
  7. Ahh welcome to the future! :)
  8. Yeah, listen to Fin, next they will be telling us the manifesto saying no tax rises was just a hope, as they bring in new taxes :eyes:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Exactly - I need nothing explaining to me about how and why I should vote: it is clearly obvious what a few in Brussels have engineered for their own gain and what their underlying ambitions are. It's just a pity we don't have a strong leader and a nation supporting for the good of the country as intimated previously in the thread....
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  10. Do you have any figures for this, or is it just what you have heard? I know high end cars end up in eastern Europe, but never seen evidence of bikes.
  11. It's those interfering commies again undermining our confidence with fake news reports. :)
  12. I'd like to use this too?

    You won't know the actual cost because there are so many little twists and turns here and there but so far the only cost is being told around £35-£39 billion over 40 years. This worries me, not because of the amount although that annoys me, but because they said we would still be getting our rebate on this so it means at least for 40 years in some way the eu will still keep pissing about with our money. Far better to calculate the refund at the front end and give them what's left.

    All that said, we are and have been the second largest contributor to the eu project for decades and one of only a handful of countries who could financially afford to "Brexit". Most leavers saw a short term rumble followed by the longer benefits so whilst giving junkers any money for his bar bill is not on, the cost in the long run is worth it.

    As to why leave and end up paying more? that isn't the case so far. The most recent and it was very recent, deal the eu did was with Canada, of which 98% of all trade will be tariff free, so we do have a precedent. Even if we end up with a deal but under wto rules, BOTH sides can still chose to have tariff free trade if they wish, such is the freedom under wto.

    The deluded few wanting a united states of europe have been the few that have been there the last 20 years so it should not surprise anyone. I found it funny during the election it was highlighted most of the eu refuse to pay the 2% of gdp towards nato and have done for years. and europhiles swore blind there would be no euro army.

    Yesterday in Brussels you saw the 27 heads with the eu heads, standing with everyone of those countries top military having a lovely photo taken after making agreements for the eu's army to come under one control, just as they did within the last few months of financial union were main decisions on european financial unity will come into place and the eu will decide it.

    I agree zero immigration will never happen but then I haven't heard anyone say that?
    #10652 noobie, Dec 15, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2017
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  13. There was a fishery company on the news last night that is a gnats cock over the Scottish border. It is a Scottish company and is owned by Scots but some of the staff are English and some are Scots. You could see the worry when one of the English chaps was interviewed when he mentioned he was worried as he thought it was divisive, as he would earn more than the Scot standing next to him doing the exact same job.
  14. Yes but he's English and the new system allows for that eh finm? :):upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. Mainly speculation, but there was a thread here where they found 2-3 panigales being taken out of the country in the back of a van. It would be much harder to find evidence of bikes, as they are much easier to take apart and sell in bits.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Well it's an obvious thread whereby accusations of xenophobia will get banded around.

    Thought I'd try sitting on the fence this time around :)
  17. well, noob, there's an old saying. "you cant control the wind, but you can adjust the sails" i'm sure 80% of the country are happy they where forced to modify their manifesto. as a tory apologist noob, yer on shaky ground when it comes to manifestos.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  18. so, a Scot and an englishman working together in a Grimsby maybe? fish processing factory are worried about slight tax changes causing division?, :D, suckers so you are. bearing in mind i know two trawler men and their families moved there then moved back pronto for reasons of the bleeding obvious. yer in to much of a hurry to listen to the nob on yer left shoulder. which is quite telling in itself.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 2
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  19. Mine ended up being sold as parts on eBay about 10 miles from my house. :confused:
  20. I've been taking bikes in vans and on trailers back and forth to europe for 20 years. Never had to show any documents to customs. Don't think they are interested. Would it be different if I was from eastern europe? Dont think so!
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