British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. I had a chat with London plod about bike theft.
    Most go to Eastern Europe.
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  2. Interesting saying, you got them 2, two, too, tuo bricks yet Chiz? :):upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 3
  3. Almost definitely not.
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  4. I'm beginning to think that finm isn't simply flaunting his crapness at politics but that he actually believes what he is saying.

    Now THAT is worrying : o D
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Nah :)
  6. I don't believe where the van ends up or in which country, precludes thieves from dismantling them and selling the parts. The only reason I can see that it might be an easier market overseas, in which to sell the parts, is perhaps a lack of recogniton of such schemes as Datatag or Smart Water which security mark major components or that it is perhaps more widely "accepted" that the origins of such parts is less than 100% legitimate. The short answer to your question however is no. I don't believe Brexit will have a significant impact on the trading of stolen motorcycles sourced from the UK. That market remains, regardless of what the UK's position is, so therefore does the demand.
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  7. No, it won't have an effect on stopping it.
    The reason is that if it's already illegal, any new laws implemented are not going to stop it, so it will just continue. Stolen bikes being taken out of the country are already being smuggled out. We may have additional border checks but the thieves will just find new ways around this like they are already.
    If anything it may increase theft; prices of spare parts from abroad will increase due to the import duties that will be levied once we are no longer part of the EU (for EU-manufactured parts, such as Ducati) and so it may mean more bikes stolen and broken for spares.
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  8. Not a tory apologist fin at all, Your continual proclamation the snp were better than those down the road, turns out to be what many have been saying all along, no they ain't and the tax increases kinda proves that
  9. Are you saying the fisherman and the fishery owner lied fin?
  10. i'm saying, they need to get a life. :upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. what tax increases? and who is doing all the saying?
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  12. Unlikely to affect it as the borders rarely inspect vehicles going out and we will still have people having a right to visit family, work, holiday. The Romanian theft/shoplifting and cloning card gangs, The Lithuanain vehicle thieves and many nationalised brits from eu countries running the people smugglers. so in short, no.
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  13. The Tories kicked off yesterday’s reaction to the budget with a straight-up lie.
    No promise has been broken. The basic rate HAS been frozen, at 20p, and low and middle earners HAVE been protected. Nobody who’s on less than £33,000 – which is considerably higher than the average (£23K) or full-time median (£28K) wages – will pay a penny more tax, and the large majority of Scots will in fact see a small tax cut.

    (The weasel-wording justification is of course that pretty much everyone who pays tax pays some of it at the basic rate, and are therefore in a sense “basic-rate taxpayers”. But “nobody will pay any more tax” wasn’t the promise. Indeed, the manifesto pledge is a pretty clear implication that better-off people WOULD be taxed a little more.)

    But the numbering was interesting. In order to try to obscure that fact that most Scots would be paying LESS tax as a result of the budget, the Tories went with a nicely vague but high-sounding “hundreds of thousands” for the number of people who’d lose out a little. And then the Scottish media went to work.

    First STV dutifully parroted the Tory line without adding any more information:
    Then the Daily Mail firmed it up to three-quarters of a million (which for what it’s worth actually seems to be the correct number):
    By the time it got to the Herald it was a million:
    This, though, was a flat-out lie. In the tiny print it revealed that it meant “more tax than in England, not an actual increase in tax, and we already know what stupendously dishonest and disingenuous framing that is, because there’s more than one kind of tax and overall most Scots taxpayers do better than their southern counterparts AND get better services to boot (free tuition, free prescriptions, free personal care, free bridge tolls, free hospital parking, etc etc).

    But the biscuit, as ever, went to the Scottish Daily Express:
    the Express managed to combine inflating the Herald’s number by 60% with making it even more of a lie, eschewing the Herald’s cowardly ambiguous use of “more” (which can be both a relative and an absolute term) and turning it into an absolutely categorically untrue claim of “tax hikes”.

    We’ve been unable to work out how the Express arrived at that 1.6m figure. Its own coverage says, in two separate articles, that “45% of the country’s 2.5m taxpayers will pay more from next April than if they lived south of the border”.

    But 45% of 2.5m is 1.12m, not 1.6m. We can only hope that the 500,000 brand-new taxpayers the Express has just conjured out of thin air will be making a substantial unexpected contribution to the Scottish Government’s coffers, and that next year most people’s taxes will go down even more than they did yesterda
    • Agree Agree x 2
  14. you are a fool noob. no ifs, no buts. a fool. :)
  15. And you believing the snp are different when it comes to politics, is the mindset of a baboon who has been eating mushrooms that make you squiffy. They are division 2, on the downward slide and like most snp supporters will be neck deep in water as the snp ship sinks but still saying, water? what water? you crazy fool you
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  16. :eyes:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. The obvious question must then follow fin, if you believe the majority of people will pay less but the snp believe it will raise more in taxes, just how many people in Scotland will ACTUALLY be paying the extra revenue?

    If you look at London it has around 281,000 millionaires
    it also has the most billionaires in the world

    Now look at Scotland and i wonder if the goose is about to be cooked and you have fallen for the Labour school of economics. I.E. people earning above X will now pay a far higher rate, so understandably someone asks, just how many have you got that would actually fall into this group and would actually pay it? the silence will be deafening.

    still you gotta love a trier even when they know there is no chance in hell they will ever get their actuals to match their hopefuls.

    Now, as you have a habit of infecting almost every thread with your jockulation and making it all about Scotland, I will no longer discuss Scotland with you unless it is in a Scotland titled thread or the "indi 2, phnar phnar show me a moonbeam" thread. I can't help you feel left out.

    That sounds harsh but sometimes tough love as what is needed. :heart:
    #10679 noobie, Dec 15, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2017
    • Funny Funny x 2
  18. Rest of the forum...

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