i think those on the big bucks pay considerable less in council tax, and for property, they pay nothing for this, that and the next thing, and going by the amount of our southern friends we have living and contributing to our society, i bet most would pay double to escape yer clap trap. how can this be? hmm, there is just no chance it could be careful management of funds is there?, and after showing you that vid of PPP and the labour council, less corruption. nah, no chance atoll.
Confused. Pay less tax for most, most meaning majority, yet take more tax to pay for the increasing costs of supporting tax and spend policies of snp. It’s the magic money tree all over again.
i know yer confused, thats how they like it. is there no chance that maybe the country is less dependent than you have been led to believe? how much cash can we borrow? who sets that figure?
thats the beauty of it. it cant. we get a partial refund of our tax contributions. they like to call it a block grant, for obvious reasons. our books MUST balance. this so called deficit of 13.5bill is our share off servicing ulk debt, trident, etc etc etc, uk tax and spend policies.
This is an extract from a report today: All British cities are set to be negatively affected as a result of higher trade costs between the UK and EU, and this impact will be greater in the scenario of a ‘hard Brexit’. So if we have a trade deficit Vs the EU how the fuck are they still spouting this shit? Finm, did you wright said report
here i am @Exige on t;other thread eee. dude, looking at yer results the tide is turning as more info becomes available and to think many would of been basing their decision on the quality of info in those publications that have just been owned. by some drunk in zumerzet dear dear dear.
Still prevented from voting in the poll. Just like with the flaming referendum itself. Elise, you are a corporatist lackey *angry*
i get it stu, its ok, it cant be easy, i understand, i was there once to. i am here for you buddy. don't be a victim. let it happen, let it all go and breath,lift the vial from yer eyes ummmmm, ummmmm. accept it, after years of programing you are now realizing you have been shafted. but dinna fret son, these guys are good at what they do, yer not alone, there are another 17.2 million of you ready and willing to be cured, they just need guided gently down the path of righteousness.