British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Nothing wrong with France.
    It's their neighbours cause all the problems :cool:
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  2. Brussels :):upyeah:
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  3. What you on aboot now finm :thinkingface:
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  4. Who know's, often it's like the 8th wonder of the world is on the west coast of Scotland in that, people are often wondering what fin is babbling on about :D
  5. Boadicca yer Celtic princess that got her arse kicked by the Romans. i guess technically they can claim rights to england
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 2
  6. Celts weren't Britons evidently, new documenry said so recently so must be true :)
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  7. i can only assume you thought the wumin would be naked in that documentary, why else would you watch it?
    talking of being caught with yer pants down. whats this shit all about?
    ‘Britain cannot have a special deal for the City of London, the European Union’s chief Brexit negotiator has told the Guardian, dealing a blow to Theresa May’s hopes of securing a bespoke trade agreement with the bloc. Michel Barnier said it was unavoidable that British banks and financial firms would lose the passports that allow them to trade freely in the EU, as a result of any decision to quit the single market.’
    and this?

    The Japanese car manufacturers will not require manufacturing plants in England shortly due to the EU trade deal finalized after 4 years negotiations on the 8th of this month. China stopped manufacturing at Longbridge some time ago importing complete MG s from China instead of the previous ” Knockdowns”.
    Not looking very promising for the brexitiers today .
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  8. They have never manufactured MG's here - all came in almost assembled kit form - and none sold anyway. All UK based automotive industry expansion has been in mainland Europe and further afield - Land Rover in Nitra, Ford in Turkey with EU grants - so any statement regarding the automotive industry in singular form is sensationalism and shows such a weakness in your argument - I mean, MG, really??? o_O
    The banks? the toffs will have to get jobs working the fields :):upyeah:
    It is what it is and it will be what it will be, our strongest position is to walk away from the bullies you so strongly admire :yum
    #10928 Exige, Dec 19, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 19, 2017
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  9. not my argument, thats why i asked you. not manufactured here? hmm, i asked you a while back about how much of a car is actually manufactured here, i think you said about 90%.

    by weight. :p. you spin miester you.
  10. You didn't ask about MG's FFS :rolleyes:
  11. right, so they are 0%.

    by weight?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. It may surprise you, or not :D, but I have a theory on this

    You know how nic since calling mays bluff and has effectively since then been very quiet but from time to time she pops up and spouts some nonsense mostly for the home crowd but it is nonsense never the less, I think barnier is doing this.

    They have already said no trade talks till March and they as the top table will not BUT ministers and government aids will be doing all the legwork probably starting again the second week of January. Barnier has only one target, to save the eu so what ever he says is still to deter any other eu member leaving. So between now and March he will do quite a few of these "look at me I am important" appearances

    To be fair to Brexit, MG's were shit cars and no one was buying them, I think? it was just below 600 units for the entire U.K. in 2016. Who ever told the money rich Chinese I bet is in hiding now, it was a pup.

    As to London not being allowed financial services in the eu, be honest fin, most of these institutions have been going for hundreds of years with networks within networks within networks. I would go so far as to say if there was a a choice for the worlds powerful of London remaining the financial centre of the world and the eu remaining as a project, the eu project would fall first.

    A point of note, 27 countries, 27 prime ministers,27 foreign ministers, 27 chancellors and 28 eu comissioners, but Barnier is a French ex politician who has historically had no likey for the U.K. and it is only him saying this on the financial market, and saying it 3 months before the negotiations resume. He is a peacock posturing at moments he fears his magic is slipping.

    Be aware what he is saying by all means but never underestimate it is the final 27 that will have the vote and most have a vested interest in the U.K. remaining a good friend.
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  13. aaaaaaaand up pops noob.
    yip, the final deal signed by 27 countries. all of em. :)
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  14. Back to the bus!
    We can argue about the exact figure we pay to the Eu but it is undisputedly a substantial amount every week.At least if we keep it at home the people in power at the time will be able to decide where it is spent.If as an electorate we are not happy with the way they do this then we will have the chance when we vote to let them know!At the moment we have no recourse on where our tax money goes
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  15. Fin, the eu will be negotiating more with the 27 than us. At some point if we are to believe them, they will reach a deal and will be a deal the eu project are happy with but, their issue will be the problamatic demands of the 27 to the eu, to help the eu out.

    Remember the eu is little more than a lease holders management company, if all 27 stop paying, the trough doesn't get filled up. I would suspect a few will also be using brexit to remind the comissioners that the countries are in charge and not the eu

    Russell you're right, whatever the amount, we have need in the U.K.
  16. What a fucking idiot o_O
  17. The amount the Country pays the EU is about 1% of total UK government expenditure. So who decides where the other 99% goes?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. I've said before that sometimes we become so focused on the U.K. versus the eu project that we miss what is happening in europe itself and on many occasions you miss the likes of the eu , more and more of late, taking member countries to the eu court, Ireland, denmark, hungary and many more.

    In order to understand Why Bernier is being such a tosser, well I feel it's more to do with him being a career politician and this
  19. "A clear path into the future
    "There is not a united European front...."
    No Mr Juncker, there isn't. You're finally learning. There never was a united European front. You, Mr Juncker, may dream of an feudal imperial European superstate ruled by a neo-Roman senate of unelected old men but no one else does. Every single EU member state joined for the advantage they thought membership would offer them as individual nation states. Not a single one of them ever votes, acts or thinks collectively, they vote and act in their own separate political interests. That is the fatal contradiction at the heart of the European project.
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  20. Still enough to invest in a few new hospitals,more nurses ,doctors,police etc etc etc
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