I prefer to think of myself as a conservative with a small C. Would you like to offer a defence for the person interviewed ? And if not what would your solution to the problem be ? Unfortunately when a quarter of all people in employment are employed by the government and with large numbers of retirees and the unemployed in receipt of state benefit there is a certain amount of self interest at play when it comes to deciding the colour of the government of the day. The pressure to meet unsustainable expectations in return for votes is partly to blame for the mess we are in. Labour expanded the client state in the correctly held belief that it would be almost impossible to do anything about it by succeeding governments.
There are many good folks in this land. There are also many useless wastrels and lazy wankers, thankfully in the minority. Unfortunately, our press makes more money reporting on the latter than the former. Good old market forces.
Easy to get all this nonsense sorted: If you haven't got a job and you need money you go straight to the Labour Exchange,get a green uniform and a bus pass. Monday to Friday,you go there to sign on at 08.00,and sign off a 17.00.They get fed there so if they don't turn up,they don't eat. Anybody needs short term labour can call up and collect any number of green uniform wearers, have them work for the day and then take them back to sign off.And the Employer can pay the Taxpayer for the assistance.If theres no work for them they can get training during the day. Simple.Don't know why people make such a song and dance about it.........
Possibly better than what we currently have, but even for me this might be going a bit too far As a plan I think it needs a bit of refinement :wink:
I'm not sure hard labour is the answer, but disrupting their week so that they can't go out and earn cash while drawing the dole would shorten the dole queue I reckon. I don't know many people who are unemployed, but of those I do most go out and earn cash while claiming to be unemployed. In all honesty I'd be tempted to do the same if I were in their shoes. There are those who genuinely can't find work, and I wouldn't begrudge them earning the odd bit of cash to help out, but the guys I know are working full time and just taking a morning off a week to sign on. In most cases their employers know the score too. What the government need to do is make a dent in their earning potential, big enough to force them off the dole. So put them to work for say, 12 hours a week in exchange for their dole - 3 mornings a week - and that'll serve two purposes. Firstly it gives the genuinely unemployed a reason to get up and stops them rotting away at home, and it makes the dole bludgers much less useful to people who would otherwise use them for cheap labour. And maybe grubby little Britain would look a bit cleaner...
here bloody here, there is too many can work but wont work, it seems to be inbred into there lifestyle and there parents and parents before, not all but you see it alot sadly
Easy plan. Needs a childcare option though. Need to cut child benefits so it is not an alternative income. Full for first child, lose half with second, lose it all for third or more. People would have to plan families then.........
Exactly why do you need a childcare option? If you haven't got your childcare sorted,then you're not available for work If you're not available for work,you shouldn't be able to claim unemployment benfit/jobseekers allowance,because you are not available for work People CHOOSE to have kids.Fine by me,but don't expect a third party to pay for YOUR choice.If you CHOOSE to have kids and therefore can't work,the most anyone should get is the absolute basics.And I mean a hostel bed and no choice on the menu.And don't bleat about not affording the finer things in life,because thats the life YOU chose...like I said,simple!
The scroungers know they can take the piss. The workforce know the scroungers can take the piss. The Government of the day know it, the DSS know it. So do certain types of immigrants, white, black or brown. As long as the system is there to protect those in genuine need, there are those who will milk it. There is absolutely SFA we can do about it. I just use stories like this one as motivation. Question for you all; If one of my customers wants to give me a few grand in cash to save a few bob in VAT, should I say "oooh NO, the Government need money for benefits etc, I must pay the HMRC and VAT their share of your invoice"??? or should I say " YES SIREE, used twenties please, if they can't use my contribution wisely, bollocks to them" ??? Not that that's ever happened of course as it would mean I'm defrauding the system. The system that pays idle losers to stay in bed all morning.
dam good plan no jobs for school leavers............... training.......... roof over there head and boost the armed forces hell maybe even bring a bit of pride back in being british
Good god no, not military service. Building and maintaining infrastructure perhaps. I'm a perfect example, if I were forced to a battle field, the first person I'd point the gun at would be myself. I'll never point a gun at another person just because someone told me to. That's just cowardly.
Stick a bunch of uneducated thugs in uniform and force them to perform, and you'll end up with a bunch of highly trained, unemployable, uneducated thugs. No, you need to want to be in the forces to gain anything from it, although I appreciate the national pride comment. Stick 'em in a classroom all day - they'll be desperate to find a job after a couple of weeks.
It was not too long ago some individuals where given the choice prison or join the service, i know a few who chose the service and have turned out as genuinely good people with the right atmosphere and a routine. I am not saying it would work for every one out there but some, why not. From a personal point of view i see loads of people every month on interviews who want a job and money, but are not prepared to do anything for it, is too easy to do nothing. I stand to be corrected but i am sure in Germany, if you are employed for 5 years you can claim benifits for 5 years then it stops, but you have to be employed to be able to claim, so if you don't get a job you get nothing or it is only for a limited period. Sounds like a plan to me. My 10p's worth!
Stick 'em in a classroom all day - they'll be desperate to find a job after a couple of weeks. Did the government not try and do this a few years ago, lasted a few years then the money pot ran out and the business's folded. Yes you have to want to be in the forces to get the best of it, it taught me discipline and respect (even though I had a strict upbringing). It did not do me any more harm. It is shocking though that in the interview he thought 8am was to early to start work. What time does he think children have to get up to get ready to go to school ehhhhhh.
That's if the kids go to school I see many turning up between 9.00 and 9.30 Some parents seem to think it's ok to turn up at some time in the morning. I hate being late and instilled it into my kids.
In this country you have to volunteer to be shot at...plenty of jobs here for the,"unemployed",don't need to send them elsewhere.
So as a taxpayer who has stated that you find it difficult to make ends meet are you happy to turn a blind eye to a fraud on yourself and other taxpayers ?