So who was good enough for Santa to bring them some nice presents? I was extraordinarily good this year and got a nice bottle of aftershave, wash set & new jumper from the kids and a card with some spending money in (to ease the pain of being dragged to Lincoln for the sales tomorrow) from Mrs M so I'm happy... Simple things and all that! So what did everyone else get?
Mrs Ex got a new lap top, I got socks Mini Ex got lots as usual Just need a Foggy Rep now from me to me
My favourite was this glittery rotating glass tree thing. It lights up and makes a racket. It’s awesome.
Usual stuff, socks, soap. few choccys....mother in law gave me a hundred quid which I handed over to the wife (so shes now got 200)....don't really care, just a break from everything is more than enough for me...
I got some new smellys, chocolate, gin, slippers but I got the missus a new iphone so fingers crossed for later on tonight lol
Avade vest, Keiss heated inners some eau de toilette and some Pernod. Just an aside little grandson hadn't been told by his older brother wife and I were buying there presents to their mother. So the little one wrapped all his christening presents up so his mum had something to open
Some nice gifts there Wayne Slippers and crocs from my lad, apparently my existing ones have holes in the bottoms...and a bottle of Hendricks Some Davidoff Adventure aftershave (there’s a signal there somewhere ) a Fitbit Alta for when I am wearing a normal watch not my Blaze and a few little things.
MacBook Air and a keyless fuel cap for the Multi, plus the usual smellies and stuff. I've been good this year, bought eldest daughter a little Fiat 500 for her 18th last Tuesday so wifey was v.happy. All in a good Christmas had in the Solomon household