Darren/470four funeral

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by duc904red, Jan 1, 2013.

  1. i will attend, and will see you at the half one meet point

    ride safe everyone
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  2. I'm a no-show too, I'm afraid, work must come first at the moment for me. If I can wangle it we do have some upcoming jobs in the south west, I'll try to arrange them around that day, but it seems unlikely.
  3. Just started back to work after three months off so do not feel I can have another day off. Be there in spirit.

    Regards Steve
  4. Thankyou to all the people that are going; I feel guilty about not going.
  5. Fig do not feel guilty mate its short notice
    we are having a get together /party soonish in Darren's memory for those who cannot make it
    this party will be a bon jovi free zone Darren disliked them with a passion

    all welcome more info nearer the time
    thanks Steve B
  6. I think i have managed to shift a few jobs around next week down in the SW, Exeter Weds morning then drive up to the church service. (fingers crossed nothing else comes in)
  7. would be cool if that comes off
    would you ride the T8 for me ?
  8. Yes Mate, I best check my fat gut fits in my leathers. :eek:
  9. mass centralisation l call it:upyeah:
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  10. 551241_477640785631853_1689325271_n.jpg

    Darrens 900ss and steve B's 888 all snuggled up in the warm :upyeah:

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  11. That's good to see ..
    Well done Mr B.
  12. I will ask for the final time. Does anyone want picking up on my way down???
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  13. So how many are going? All being well I'm heading over with Char and Wantz1, going to the services meet point I think.
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  14. I will be meeting you lot at that meet point if that's ok?
  15. thats fine, theres another two guys going to meet us there, one called alun(Monster 1100), one called Dean (S4rs Tri)
    if you get there before us head to them
  16. Cheers will do
  17. Sadly I was unable to wiggle out. Will be there in spirit unless something great happens.
  18. l will be at the granada services at 1.15 ish on the exit just past the fuel
    if anyone is early l live in westbury nr tesco express A350
    thanks for coming guys n girls
    Steve B
  19. The people who can go will give him a well deserved send off.
    The people who can't make it that day I'm sure will be holding Darren and everyone in their thoughts on the day.
    No Bon Jovi ....... Good call!!!
  20. Unfortunately I will not now be able to attend, I am required in Leeming on Wednesday and I cant get out of it! I will be there in spirit and at 14.00 will receive a "urgent phone call" in order to be alone.
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