Well today i wired a new socket on other side of garage for the 600rr to keep connected to, cleared everything to tip, rug out, all ready for the Monster 12R due next week.
Took the MTB out for a cold, wet and muddy blast - great fun - especially the steaming hot shower when I got back home! Apologies to those of a nervous disposition.
Went out to run errands today. Dropped daughter and her fiancé at the airport. They're on their way to Tanzania for vacation. Much warmer there. Temps are finally above 0°F here after negatives for 3 days. Woke up to -16°F this morning (-39F northern Minnesota). Supposed to be colder again this weekend. Bought some more feed for the critters outside including the 3 legged one antler buck that's been coming around. He's actually in pretty good shape. Amazing how the animals survive the extreme cold. Planning to go to snocross races with my nephew tomorrow night. Should be a blast.
Thats fair... its all they had, i wasnt driving 30 miles yesterday at 2pm to get some, but rest assured will pick some nice grey flat ones up.
Just photographed Anna's finished Christmas present so she can send to her Granddad in the Czech Republic who has the same tractor in life size 1078 pieces: bought to wean her off Elves Lego and onto nuts and bolts - she enjoyed spannering for the first time
Had a splurge online a few days back and rather nicely 3 of the 8 items turned up today whilst i was in and the mrs at work so they’ve been slid into the garage waiting for the Monster to be delivered next week