Tinkering in the man cave this afternoon and got fed up of looking at the scruffy cat on my DVT. A few hours later after whipping out the spray gun, a tin of Granville cylinder black and some white spirit.....looks the part, let's see how it lasts?
That’s a really nice finish actually. Interested to see how it lasts and how tough it is. Been tempted to get my pillion pegs done as well as my exhaust heat shields.
Fitted out with raised floor, fully lined and centrally heated, oh and a lovely coffee machine i acquired from work.
Blimey no! I had a full system on it and SWMBO claimed it was way too loud when touring, even with the baffle in, so took it off and left it well alone since.
I meant the real cat. Seriously....why bother. Get rid of it and at least put a link pipe in there....
I'm not getting rid of a vital original part which may need to go back on the bike. And now that the rear exhaust & front pipe sections are all ceramic (including decat middle bit!). It would look awful to have a rusted lump under my bike.