Windows 10 -' Send To Mail Recipient' Not Working??

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Old rider, Jan 2, 2018.

  1. Try compressing it in a ZIP file to make it small and then attaching it. :thinkingface: That'll sort you out. :upyeah:

    Here's a couple I have tried differing strenghts of compression with. :bucktooth:

    • Useful Useful x 1
  2. Like this?::motorcycleduc:
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Well, I'd say that you need to apply more compression to his helmet. It's twice the size of the wheels. :eek:

    Screen Shot 2018-01-02 at 15.52.37.png
  4. What did you use to uncompress that bike? It looks worse than a Multistrada now.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. What can I say?? I'm big-headed...
  6. A PC. o_O

    When I uncompressed the same pic on my Mac, it came out so. :thinkingface:

  7. Now there's a reason for getting a Mac...
  8. You had me @ HELO
  9. Ah, Apple see. Always trying to sell you something extra that is expensive and unreliable.
  10. Careful @Old rider Your pacemaker may give out. :worried: :broken_heart:
  11. It's OK, it's a Windows pacemaker. It won't slow down after the next model is released.
  12. Pardon???
  13. No, it'll crash long before then. o_O

    Screen Shot 2018-01-02 at 16.13.00.png
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  14. Your hearing aid too it would seem. :grinning:
  15. Thanks for reminding me.

    That's the other problem after the update - computer kept slowing to a crawl and had to be rebooted.

    Found some advice which seems to have worked, which is to set the amount of memory available to Windows to the recommended figure, the same for both upper and lower limits, rather than letting Windows manage it automatically.
  16. Ayyyyy???
  17. Am pleased I never upgraded to windows 10 even though I don't get a choice work they only use windows 10...

    Am quite computer literate, know enough to get by... not IT whizz though...I find win8 & win10 abit of a pain finding folders, my computer etc only cause Microsoft has either rename or restrict the user as the new windows is more dedicated to the tablet n touch screen user...
  18. Win10 can be tamed and it is rather more usable than Win8 or even 8.1.

    I take solace in that at least it isn't Apple.
  19. True... I forgot to put to something else on that post I did... it must even harder for those folks who are not pc literate...

    It when people say can you do this for me, it takes longer to find stuff when they don't have that windows classic desktop look...
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