
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Richard 1200, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. Hi all, I await your comments. I am sat here on the balcony with a rum and sprite looking out over the ocean having had a fantastic lunch at a place called Champers. Too hot for bikes although there are a few Yamaha YZ thingy's about with many Chinese 4 stokes of all sizes.
    sorry but it has be told!!!
    Sorry title should be Barbados, may be one too many rums.
  2. You can go off some people :)
  3. I don't envy you.

    I caught a cruise ship last march from Barbados, and I wouldn't want to ever return.

    A lot of the place is a shanty third world poverty stricken hovel once you leave the holiday compounds.
  4. I'd rather be in Cuba!
  5. I'd rather be in Barbadod :smile:
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  6. I'd rather be in Bognor with a pint of shandy :)
  7. Steady on :eek:
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  8. Sorry you did not like it but I expect you we're not here long enough to get away from the port area and meet the real barbados people who are fantastic. Yes it's not a luxury island everywhere but parts of Bristol where I come from are not a lot better.
  9. St. Paul's and Easton spring to mind
  10. Barbadod is a miles better name anyway. They should adopt it permanently.

    Buenas vacaciones!
  11. top notch picnic areas, lots of green and countryside!,

  12. kin hell that's some serious illness was it permanent or did it come in waves?
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  13. have a nice holiday ; )
  14. No, the average standard of living and quality of life in Barbados is far above third world levels (look it up). High standards of education and healthcare, stable democratic government, ever-improving infrastructure, very pro-British people. Wouldn't mind retiring there one day - we already own a building plot, but no house.
  15. geeze you lot have really spoilt his holiday now
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  16. Barbados is great, you should head to St Lawrence Gap, Spice Town, Oistons, of course the Mount Gay tour - you cant really go wrong there though, except the Malibu tour - its crap.

    This is my Great Grandmother by the way, had a road named after her dont ya know...

    Road for centenarian | Barbados Today
  17. +1
  18. Staying at the bottom of St Lawrence Gap. A small place called Salt Ash appartments in between two new high rise condos that are ruining this island. Only Murrs was next door last week and the paparazzi were all over our place With their zoom lenses.
    It's paradise here.
  19. I thought for a second you meant THIS guy and was impressed you'd heard of him...

    Murs (rapper) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    ...then I put 2 & 2 together durrr!
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