Typical, take things apart then put back together and bits left over, very similar to man maths !. The job was to fit a Samco hose kit but not including the little bastards between the cylinders these will be fitted at a later date, parts removed , seat , key guard , middle and lower fairings and the electrical housing battery side, no other parts removed, when removing bolts they are always put into containers, job went fine and all parts refitted but when cleaning up I found 2 top hat washers on the floor not in containers, 1st pic, I thought I knew where they came from and take off middle fairing as I thought they came from the electrical housing retaining bolts but as you can see from the pic 3 they are fitted.Now I have checked everything twice and have no idea where they came from and may be they were just dropped from a garage clear out a couple of weeks ago.Any ideas ?
I also thought that too, as they are similar to the ones supplied with my 1098 Superpole seat. But I had seen them in the battery tray too.
There are two screws/bolts that hold the front tips of the side fairings to the nose cone. They are accessed from inside/underneath the nose cone. Those metal pieces go between the nose cone and each side panel and the screw goes through them. They often have some grease on them in a forlorn attempt to keep them in place during assembly. The slightest touch and they fall out.
Bang on , thank you,i have only ever striped a 899 and 1199 and the parts are not on those models,i did check the parts fiche for the fairings and could not see them, just checked again and they appear on the nosecone section.
When I first got my 1199S I used to change fairings every track day and it was a ball ache I soon got tired of. The extra bolts and fasteners they added to the 1299 definitely make it all more solid but I'm so glad I dont have to remove and refit them as they are a right ball ache and I'm sure they raided the big box of odd size bolts to implement them.