She made me do it...

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by bex, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. she'd drink the lot of you under the table to - plus she's young enough to be my daughter

    you getting the picture yet ElT?
  2. Greetings ........:upyeah:
  3. Hi Bex,

    So I see Kriis ruined my fun ;)
  4. Proper clam jousting and stuff???? :eek:
  5. That's not what I meant Char!
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  6. Dirty as you like, chipmunks the lot.
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  7. Hi bex welcome to the senior dating website for Pervs watch out for El T he's a bad un' ;-)
  8. Good evening and welcome.
  9. Welcome to the site Bex. I am boring and use the same name on both
  10. Moi? I'm no such thing :tongue:
  11. I rest my case

  12. I thought it was somone un-blocking a sink with a giant plunger :biggrin:
  13. Hello and welcome to the group. Char, good work :upyeah:

  14. Me. Don't bother on UKMOC much nowadays, did'nt like the abuse dished out to people with non clique type opinions.

    Much friendlier over here.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. And badgers? Please let there be badgers :smile:
  16. :upyeah:
  17. Evening and Welcome !
  18. morning and welcome to our cultured forum LOL
    never let the facts get in the way of a good bit of banter

    regards Steve B
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