Why panic when your favourite fristads dungarees rip to shreds? You get your 1986 army sewing kit out and do something about it lol, and order a new one maybe?
Despite still suffering from the lurgy, spent the last 2 hours wielding a chain saw in Carole's back garden removing self seeded trees that seemed to grow like Jack's beanstalk. Nice big roaring fire and coffee with clotted cream . Somewhat knackered now so a quiet evening on the sofa to look forward to. Ride out with friends tomorrow, hooray ! Andy
Bought a workbench for the garage off BumTree, weighs a ton and nearly gave me and my lad a hernia getting it into the back of his van.
Been fireplace ordering, kitchen shopping and survey booking, various home furnishings places. It’s like Penzance but without the Z.
We're so skint after Christmas, that I've had to persuade my wife to sell one of her kidneys. If things get any worse I might even have to cancel Sky Sports.
No. Fucking. Way TBH its usual fare: we kinda discuss it ('we have to discuss these things, we're a partnership!!'). She disagrees...I go a bit 'whatever'. I do it anyway after a few weeks on constant 'mentioning' (hence it took so long ). She goes ballistic, we shout, I sleep in spare room and get all indigent. Follow day back to normal. 23 years married, 30 years together, always been the same.