Motorbike Photography Studio

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by V2FAN, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. Hi All,

    After catching up with an old friend and sharing some photographs of my latest bike I was surprised when he announced that he had invested a significant amount of money on a Research & Development Project that he had been working on for a significant amount of time. After lots of technical Jargon I was non the wiser however I was more than impressed when he emailed me a photograph of a Suzuki that he was working on.

    Now I have a Gucci Camera which features loads of those MP things etc etc however there was absolutely no chance of me ever recreating anything that he was able to magic up.

    Having looked at the Superbike Galleries indeed there are some excellent photographs particularly Bike of the Year, for me I didn't bother entering because I didn't feel that my photos would capture the bike in its true glory.

    His Website:

    Now let me share a picture, I welcome any feedback as I really think his work is amazing and far far better than anything I could do :upyeah:

  2. Nice. Looks like HDR done well
  3. bit of photoshopping with the blur tool on the background, not too difficult to achieve this look with a good sky and an off camera flash.
  4. Yor're absolutely right. Those lightinh was easy to acheive with an off camera flash and this kind of post production may be done in 5 mins.

    let me show on one of mine pics on pc, doesn't have any handy with that lights but the "photoshopping" may looks like this in few minutes

    mh900_before.jpg mh900_after.jpg


  5. Generally grab a sky from anywhere and an appropriate background, there isn't much that can't be done with Pshop, even versions as early as 6 & 7.

  6. Cheat !!
  7. Well, having three Pentax film cameras, one virtually unused; plus all the lenses; I decided that I wasn't going to waste a lot of money on digital cameras that were out of date as soon as I bought them....and as I already had PShop, it seemed like the best option....after all, digital cameras have so many functions compared with a film camera, it seems like they are effectively Pshop in portable box....

  8. good luck with that sky here in the UK.

    with regard the original post. Perhaps a few more examples on his website, a ducati even? Scope for a discounted shoot for someone?
  9. Looks like he has used a decent camera and hdr technique... You great great results
  10. Hi there everyone, I am Robert the guy V2 FAN spoke about initially and we are good friends. It is our photograph of the Suzuki which you have been commenting upon. Thanks for the feedback. There are some interesting remarks and perhaps it may help if I explain things a bit more. You probably need to know that the picture was in three parts. The sky, the background and the subject. The sky and the background are real and have had a little treatment in Photoshop but not much. The real work has gone into the bike itself. This is actually a very complex piece of work consisting of about 60 images, in compositation. This is what gives the surreal or "hyperreal" effect. It takes many hours and is done exclusively in our specially prepared photographic studio with a long focal length utilising specialist lighting and techniques. To the best of my knowledge these techniques are unique in motorcycel photography although some very high end magazine photographers utilise similar techniques for cars. Although the picture will look great on your monitor to some extent it is compressed, the full high resolution image is stunning and V2 FAN's picture is great but a little compromised because it has to be shown within the format dictated by the web host. The native images are the ones to have and that can only be achieved if you have your own motorcycle photographed. The light for the picture is completely controlled within a "sterile" or black environment - one shot with flash or a single shot with anything else for that matter it is impossible to replicate the effect we have achieved. we also employ a technique that we call glints - it provides the star quality that we want to create. The work is split approximately 50/50 between studio and post production editing. I like the idea of shooting a Ducati so I am prepared to offer a 50% discount for the first ten posters on the site to get in touch with me. Our main business is selling high end audio and so we are very experienced at producing superb professional high end product photography in our studio. As I am a very keen biker myself I am starting this venture almost from scratch and need to build the portfolio up. We can have the picture of your bike framed or mounted on a poster as well as produced in high resolution digital format. If you are interested in taking advantage of this offer then please email me at [email protected] and I will get back to you promptly. Thanks and best wishes! Robert
    #10 Amborman, Jan 14, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2013
  11. Hi Robert welcome to this community i am new here and i am a professional photographer and working for a sports channel where i make the bikes photography while riding and racing on the track and this is very good way to make money and this is my hobby to make photos of bikes and now i am thinking to open a my own photo studio of bikers like this because this sound like great and best informaiton..........
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  12. Ducati_Panigale-S_1199-EM1.jpg

    Following on from the recent messages, here is a picture of an 1199 Panigale S road bike which we recently photographed in our studio. You should see the full high resolution version in print. It is stunning! I hope that you like!

    We can do the same for your own bike, please email us at [email protected] it would be great to hear from you.

    All the best


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  13. Great shot, I don't think its HDR, bikes like cars show what is reflecting in them so thats what you generally light. The combination parts look like they were a manageable flat white reflector that would have had a light shone onto it for the sides with direct strips for the highlights. Many layers and masks later and a few added grad layers you get a great shot that looks HDR, but with out the elements blended HDR would not give you this.
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