Inspiration for all you wannabe snowboarders

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. If she can do it so can you :upyeah:

    #1 El Toro, Jan 8, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  2. Will you be wearing a pink onesie this week?
  3. No. It'll be a blue one, silly. I is a boy :smile:
  4. I think I could do that :)
    Will need an instructor though
    Do you know one ;-)
  5. Desperate to get my board out at the mo!
  6. Might do :wink:
  7. Good point well made

    Waiting for the pics :wink:
  8. I'm sure there'll be plenty. And some I may have to delete :wink:
  9. I'm looking for a roomy in March :upyeah:
  10. Where and when?
  11. I can actually see the Milton keynes snodome from my bedroom window, yet I've never snow boarded... this needs to change as soon as my leg is ok.
  12. MK Xscape is shabba. The Castleford one is a much better designed one. :upyeah: And for that matter so is Hemel.
  13. 9th March, Chalet Violetta, Canazei.
  14. I Like the Dolomites so could be much? and I assume I'd have to arrange my own flights etc??
  15. I love the dolomites :cool:

    It's a package deal with Crystal, currently about £700 inc Flight, transfer, chalet board, area lift pass and carriage of board.
  16. Just looked on the Crystal site at the chalet/holiday but it's saying there's no vacancies for then.
  17. You been down the pub already!? 7 of the 12 rooms available... :tongue:
  18. Seriously it wouldn't let me look at that week :rolleyes:

    Anyway I have to get Morzine done next week first :upyeah:
  19. I lied.... it's £762 at the moment, I'm sure it was cheaper last time I looked!
  20. I'm off next week too, but I'll be in St Anton :biggrin:
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