Hopefully this Facebook video link works ! https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1770228089703892&id=673039416089437
Would like to see the other side, to see if it’s symetrical or offset like the Akra. Have to say I’m a sucker for a Termi system
So has someone got the detail associated with the original FB post ? The caption says “ready to race, Almeria 2018 Teamschilling” which makes no sense whatsoever. Is it a genuine Termignoni prototype for the V4 or is it just a bodge done by Teamschilling ? Bloody infuriating , I want detail !!!! Andy
The shared video appears to have originated from a German Ducati dealer. I have no idea who Andi Schilling or Teamschilling are and an internet search just muddies everything. There isn’t a 2018 calendar on the Circuito de Almeria web site so anyone there any time soon ? Andy
It's a one off custom system as far as they told me when I messaged them earlier. They could be missing a trick here if they decide not to sell a conversion. Mind you they will need to design a new belly pan to go with it.
Still sounds plenty enough in standard form to me.https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=2001063430178091