1200 The Best Value Multi?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Dave, Jan 12, 2018.

  1. Just out of idle interest ... I don't really have room for another bike but I've got this week-long road touring trip to Spain coming-up in April and a choice between my Africa Twin or one of my SORNed sportsbikes ... neither ideal ... seems a Multi would be perfect but which model is the best value for money??? - there are so many of them https://www.autoevolution.com/moto/ducati/multistrada/
  2. A multi came up for sale on here today..
  3. Dave, the Africa will be fine mate. We ain't in a race dude. :upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. I'm just wondering nevertheless ... anyone who knows me, knows I'm addicted to buying bikes ... and I'm genuinely confused by all the different models!
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  5. Can't beat window shopping. :upyeah:
    Sometimes its good to go out test riding. You either realise what you are missing out on or soon find out how good you have got it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Last of the old twin spark dave, ie pre DVT best value IMHO :)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. No, I'm not going @Dave ;) LOL
    • Funny Funny x 2
  8. What model year/s was that then @bradders ?
  9. Join the club :confused:
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. I'd say 2014-15. Motor was a peach, handling was great, bit more 'excitement' than a DVT although TBH, the DVT is a better all round bike and skyhook worked well enough for me.
  11. Do you want to delete one of these @bradders ??? ;-)
  12. It was the one Vale rides if you believe what bradders peddles :D
  13. Well, I posted once and the second was an edited version of the first?! Its odd at times, this forum..
  14. If only...Dave leaves me for dead on the road, much like most others. But the bike tho, its like having autopilot :innocent:
  15. The specification information in that link for the early 1200 pre twin spark models from 2010 to 2012 is inaccurate to the point that it’s rubbish. I agree with Wayne, your Africa Twin will be good fun for the trip. Andy
  16. 14-15 then. Skyhook worth paying the extra for?
  17. I think so. As you know, I love the on the fly adjustability of SH and the last of the pre-DVT will be the best built. Grand Tourer may not be a bad bet, @t3scn loves his and it does everything reliably
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Really? How?

    It sure will. Just idle musing ... I really don't have space for another bike ;-)
  19. You need to ride one, I was hellbent on chopping in the GS against a Multi and then borrowed one for the weekend. Fine bike, but didn't do enough significantly better than the GS to make it worth it. Was bloody noisy too, which is fine on a hoon about but on a holiday I like my bike to STFU a bit so that I can watch squirrels.
  20. Well I'm off to Riders of Bristol tomorrow morning to meet up with a few Somerset Ducatisti so I might just take a few test rides. They have loads of used ones to choose from.
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