Acid Throwing Thieving Git In Court

Discussion in 'Stolen Bikes/Parts' started by Jez900ie, Jan 8, 2018.

  1. I would happily take a £50K drop in line with that :D
    Who in the hell is worth £800K PA? no wonder our taxation system is FUBAR'd
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  2. In defence of judges here’s what happened to me, mental ex wife said I couldn’t take my daughter on holiday to Spain during our divorce, said I was an unreliable alcoholic (at the time I drank maybe 3 pints a week), said I couldn’t have all the access I wanted as well, went in to see the judge he listened to her, then asked me if it was true, I said it wasn’t and began to explain, he stopped me and said “Mrs S, I have seen a lot of alcoholics in my time, I am quite sure that Mr S is not an alcoholic , Spain is only 2 hours away, Mr S you may take your daughter on holiday to Spain and you may have all the access that you have requested , Mrs S please be sure of your facts should you ever find yourself in front of me again” absolute top bloke, cut through all the crap in seconds and called her a liar in not so many words, I hope he gets every penny of 800k (obviously not cos he wasn’t high court).
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  3. this is why we are in MELTDOWN in the world,,GREED & stupidity!
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  4. £80,000
    (Mispront - sorry)
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  5. Most senior London Law firm partners earn well over £1 MILLION a year, some FAR more
  6. :D
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  7. What a terrible and diabolical way to take someone's stuff. It is just a bike! These victims will carry the scars and deformation for the rest of their lives. How horrible! As an American I have no leg to stand on. I can under stand if you discount my opinions because we are some of the most violent people in the world as a whole. It is just sad the things people do to each other just to steel their stuff. I hope your justice system works better than ours.
    #67 Mike Glick, Jan 17, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2018
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  8. What was the sentence? Anyone know? They done that yet?
  9. I have lived in Budapest for more than 2 years and haven’t watched or read any UK or other news media in all of that time. I have a much better positive attitude about life and the future compared to when I lived in UK and was fed an opinion according to the BBC.

    By contrast I have a few American friends in Budapest who still read the US media and then constantly complain about doom and gloom and everything in the world is bad.
    #69 Ash34, Jan 17, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2018
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  10. Admitted all counts. Sentencing to happen March 9th
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  11. I think justice in Britain went downhill following the abolition of "Trial by Combat". The last one being sometime in 1631.
  12. I lived in the US for years - in Dixie actually. I can say for certain that you're no more violent Vicious than us - the difference is that your psycos are all VERY well armed.
  13. Great news!
    The teenage thieving git who threw acid at six moped riders in just over an hour was jailed for 10 and a half years today!

    The judge told the scumbag that had he been sentencing him as an adult and had he been convicted after a trial as opposed to having pleaded guilty, the sentence would have been 22 years' imprisonment.

    I expect he will get let out before then, but a few years inside for him is not a bad result! Another scumbag off the streets and no longer nicking bikes.
    #73 Jez900ie, Mar 12, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2018
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  14. it should be life! and when he will comes out, a much better criminal than before:worried::worried:
    #74 XH558, Mar 12, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2018
  15. I notice some muddled figures about judicial salaries have been bandied about in this thread. Perhaps I could supply some real information.

    In 2016-17 the salary bands of some of the main judicial posts were as follows:
    Lord Chief Justice [1 only] = £249,583
    Lord Justices [41 posts] = £204,695
    High Court Judges [106 posts] = £179,768
    Circuit Judges [604 posts] = £133,506

    2017-18 figures are 1% higher.

    As the Senior Salaries Review Body has reported, it has proved very difficult to fill High Court posts with qualified people of sufficient calibre, and some posts have had to be been left unfilled. Senior QCs tend to earn £300K - £500K (or more) in private practice, and accepting a High Court judgeship would mean a drop to £180K which is too great. Judges once appointed get a flat rate, without increments or bonuses, nor are they allowed to have outside earnings of any kind, nor can they resign and go back into private practice.
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  16. *floods of tears*
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  17. I'm at a loss to comprehend how they survive on such paltry remuneration. We ought to have a whip-round.
  18. I understand exactly where you're coming from.
    We are SO LUCKY to have the legal system that we do; small wonder then that it is the most copied in the world.
  19. The issue is that many of the cases decided by High Court judges involve millions or billions of pounds, with both the parties receiving high levels of remuneration, along with all the advocates and witnesses, etc. The judge on the bench, at £180K, is paid a fraction of what everybody else in the courtroom is getting.

    That is a risky state of affairs. The avoidance of corruption and undue influence depends entirely on the honesty, integrity and self-denial of the judges in that situation. Britain's reputation across the world for having an incorruptible judiciary has held up so far, unlike many other nations, but it is increasingly fragile.

    If you were offered millions of pounds by a billionaire to tilt a judgment, would you have the strength of character to refuse?
  20. Just to add a comment from a few pages back, The poor lad at 17-23 the brain is still developing. AT 20 I WAS SENT TO WAR !!!! Kill or be killed, its simple mathematics gents. These muppets have absolutely no idea, nor does modern liberal politics. Makes me sick to hear some people defend twonks like this...ohhh poor fella, his noggins not yet developed...GET A GRIP!! If i was expected to kill people at 20, and knew what i was doing for the good of others and our nations interests...then this scroat should as well!
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