From the graph that's 203bhp at the rear wheel with a quoted 214 at the crank. Not bad at all. That equates to around a 6% drive train loss, so with the full system (226bhp) we should then expect around a 13bhp drivetrain loss, so 213bhp at the rear wheel or rather a 10bhp hike with the full Akra system. Pretty respectable!! Bearing in mind that is in standard tune with no changes in fuel mapping or engine work, I can see 220 ATRW being easily achievable to an average owner with some extra cash to spend yet still maintaining a reliable road based powerplant. Obviously track based, team owned bikes with a lot bigger budgets than the average Joe and almost certainly MR, will have access to Ducati Corse parts, so 220bhp at the rear wheel is likely to be easily surpassed.
Not bad for a stock map/exhaust..although 100cc more than the other litre bikes. Is that deep at 8500 RPM the velocity stacks lifting up?
IMHO If 11hp loss(based on you calculation) with stock exhaust/map should still be 11hp even if adding full system/remap. Adding an exhaust won't increase the chain/gearbox/camshaft/oil drag and so on.
Well, not really. Expertise etc is Motorapido, and bike will be one of theirs/their customers. They simply use one up the road. Not sure if they still use double take, or if Dave Tyson has one still over at Hants MV (which Wilf used to use)
Never said it would increase it. I merely imagined it as a linear loss of 6% hence 226 drops to 213 at the rear wheel and with the stock system 214 drops to 203. Either way it is still pretty impressive for a bone stock bike. Perhaps a free breathing full system might mitigate the 6% drop somewhat but considering the accepted norm is 10% then its not bad at all. If true, then around 213-215 would seem a reasonable expectation on a dyno with the full system fitted.