British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. I believe I have discovered my new hero. He isn't flawless but by Goat, Jordan Peterson is a thinker. Better than that. he makes other thinkers think.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  2. UK Imports of Goods
    #11382 corrosio non forsit, Jan 25, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2018
  3. upload_2018-1-26_12-4-51.png
    • Funny Funny x 8
  4. A great summary of, not just this interview, but every interview right now on news channels
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. I do feel far too many focus on bernier, Junker and the other free loaders called the european commission. The deal will be decided not by the eu, not by France and not by Germany but ALL of the remaining 27 and a lot of them have a bigger axe to grind with the eu, than the U.K.
  6. It aint gonna happen. :D:D


    • Funny Funny x 2
  7. Yeah I was reading that in the Guardian this morning, and then I moved on to the piece where they're siding with Christine Lagarde of the IMF as she warns against Trumps tax reductions.

    They're such a strange bunch who comment on that site. Wind it back a year and Christine Lagardes name was mud with guardian readers, not only for being complicit in the austerity forced on Greece, but also the way she wormed out of being punished for negligence, even though she was found guilty and managed to keep her job and duck any criminal record.....amazing turn of luck for her, and the readers are now lapping up her views on the world economy just because she said something against Trump.

    Oh and then you have JC, slated by them on mass and yet because they aren't likely to see a leadership challenge they're now backing JC just as long as he changes his stance on Brexit.

    Yeah, a newspaper of conviction and consistency that one, just as long as the consistency you're after is a large dose of fickle and a huge side of hypocrisy

    I honestly can't get enough of it :)
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  8. Longer transition will mean 'never' by the time that date came about.:D:D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. They are not even bright enough to understand that part of that increase if the survey is a proper one (doubtfull) will be brexiteers fearing the deal will be in name only so seek to refuse it to drops us straight to what we should be doing, wto from 2019 to ensure genuinely, brexit means brexit.
  10. :)

    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. just keep doing what yer doing folks, we need all the good yins we can get.
    and for those that wont click the link.
    Sorry that blogging has been light recently - I've been a bit under the weather and rushed off my feet, which is never a great combination. Here are a couple of things to tide you over, though - firstly, my new article on the TalkRadio website, entitled 'Time to wake up to the false realities of Jeremy Corbyn and Ruth Davidson'. You can read it HERE.

    And secondly, here's the latest in the Journey to Yes series from PhantomPower, featuring a couple who decided to move to Scotland from the north-east of England as a result of the Brexit vote.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  12. "The UK has a trade deficit with the Eurozone of about 90 billion euros per annum. The Eurozone has a trade surplus with the world in general of about 200 billion euros pa so the UK supplies almost half of the Eurozone trade surplus.

    When pundits praise the Eurozone for its trade surplus they should spare a thought for the British. Trade deficits subtract directly from a country’s GDP figures and the trade deficit with the Eurozone lowers UK GDP by 4% (Trade deficits are used in the calculation of GDP). The Eurozone is not a loose group of 19 countries but a near complete economic union that has a single economy so nowadays the EU consists of two major blocs, like two countries: The Eurozone and the UK. Seven of the eight countries outside these blocs in the EU are aligned with the Eurozone.

    The reason that the trade figures with the Eurozone are so bad is that Eurozone companies operate without restraint in the UK. The UK has no deal with the EU to prevent the Eurozone from wholly replacing British goods and services produced in Britain with Eurozone produced goods and services. Eurozone companies can buy up British competitors and if they desire source all their stock from the Eurozone.

    Why isn’t the UK being protected from this Eurozone invasion? We are protected from other foreign takeovers, for instance the EU insists that at least 55% of the parts for cars made in Korean owned factories in the EU are sourced from the EU (Guardian) and the EU has similar trade deals with other countries outside the EU. The EU is not alone in protecting its industry, all countries that care for their citizens conclude trade deals that protect domestic industries. The UK has no such deal to protect itself from the Eurozone.

    The fact that the EU insists that foreign owned industries do not operate as Trojan Horses for imports and have strict limitations on how far they can usurp local industry should make us all ask “why doesn’t our government protect us from the Eurozone?”.

    It is conventional to blame British industry for the high level of Eurozone imports but that is a lazy error. Much of these Eurozone imports are purchased by Eurozone owned UK companies in the form of parts and stock etc. Increasingly “British” industry is not British but a trojan horse for Eurozone imports. If we buy a “British” car we are as likely as not buying German parts for what is sold as a “UK” manufactured Mini car or French parts for a “UK” manufactured Peugeot.

    The figures for foreign parts in cars manufactured in the UK are “almost two thirds of parts in British-built cars come from abroad, with the proportion as high as three quarters in vehicles such as the Vauxhall Astra. In some cases, parts are said to zig-zag across the Channel as many as 30 times during the production process.” (Sunday Times Driving). However, these figures are probably higher than 66% for Eurozone companies because many of the “UK” parts suppliers are actually foreign owned and import parts for their parts and some cars are made by US and Japanese companies that are forced (by the EU) to use a large proportion of UK parts. In principle Eurozone companies could use almost no UK components in the cars that they make in the UK and in practice probably use more than 70% Eurozone sourced parts.
    #11392 Lightning_650, Feb 7, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2018
  13. LOL Im gonna show my wife this, she earns more than any man I personally know but not as much as her co- worker.....I keep telling her she's "too agreeable" plus she tries to dominate me as I'm a "weak partner" pmsl
  14. So that fucker Soros is giving the Remain campaign 400 grand. Seriously, anyone accepting the money should be jailed.
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  15. Why what? Why jail? Because I don’t agree with groups or those funding groups that clearly want to disregard a democratic vote. Soros is funding a blatant attempt to overturn a democratic decision and anyone in government accepting such funds should be jailed. UK government has become like the US, politicians can be bought and I don’t agree with it. Rose tinted and all that I know.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. If it wasn’t for the multi millions paid into the Brexit campaign, many of which donators do not pay UK tax anyway as they hide behind their non dom status, then we wouldn’t have been in this shit pool in the first place.
  17. We arnt in a shit pool. We have opportunities. You have seen the attitudes of the EU and the treatment the UK has been getting throughout this leave process.
    The vote is over and to continue to fund a side that wants to change that decision by undermining those appointed to carry out the democratic process, then I believe that will cause more harm than good. One thing is for sure, the UK needs to get behind leaving because it’s happening.
    I really can’t accept those opinions that we should continue to fight for Brexit to be stopped.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  18. Opportunities? So explain the Govt report showing that nowhere in the UK will escape a down turn in the next 12 years then?
    • Funny Funny x 1
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