So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Oh dear me ....
    great news Viv :) yay new bike for summer!!!

    Phil cool about the wedding thing :)

    As for the other....
    stop looking.
    Women can sense that a mile off ..
    Get on with life forget women and finding one and wallop bet you someone appears:)
    Im a great believer in strange things happen and for a reason.
    Get out and enjoy yourself with mates and I can assure you something will happen.
    If you actively look on a night off we have radar ! Scare us off or your attract some crazy cat lady.

    As for chocolate Viv I don't like it either only white chocolate .
    Why not go for gold and cover both areas bathe in wine lads and cover yourself in chocolate... Most eventualities are then covered !
    ( I'm weird as don't like choc or wine :) but I hear most females I know love one the other or both).
  2. As usual He11cat is right Phil. Oh and start reading women's books so when that lightening strikes you have a little insight on proceedings. May I suggest you start with Bridges of Madison County. Short read but effective in what it conveys.
  3. There's a nice thought :)
  4. ET ... At mine I pull all the stops out for breakfast...
    Roll out the can of " all day breakfast " yup in a can. ;)
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  5. And back in the room
  6. Dropped these off [​IMG]
  7. Got a preview up the Shard, which was pretty cool. Bit cold near the top!


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  8. second one looks like a scene out of Bridget Jones - :eek:
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  9. What time do you want me round? :tongue:
  10. Did they come off ok?
  11. Loaded the van up, went down the tip, came home. Loaded the an up went down the tip. Came home and had a cuppa. Who'd of thought swapping rooms could unearth so much hoarded shite!

    might take the bike out in a bit as its nice and sunny!:biggrin:
  12. No lol front heads studs had turned to cottage cheese lol

    Rear ones were fine

    Sorted now -
  13. just been down to the solicitors with some paperwork for the flat. Only to find that the mortgage company put the wrong address on the paperwork and won't talk to me on the phone. So I have to go back into town with identification and start the process I thought had finished before Christmas...

    Idiots. I wouldn't care, but it's to prove that we don't have a mortgage on this property...
  14. Finally managed to get hold of an iPad mini
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  15. Just finished putting the carbon fibre bodywork on my MH and have come in to get warm.Taking the bits and pieces,like indicators,screen,etc,off the original bodywork took quite a bit of time.Lining up the tank unit with the front fairing was also very fiddly.Does look nice though.Will try and put up picture later.
  16. Just finished a conference call with the Phoenix office

    Took 7 mins

    Going to hang about abit before going back upstairs - well no one will know
  17. Another gym session, easier without the hacking, but one thing I havemt done is get much sleep...AGAIN
  18. Been thrashing the rentaracer (that's the company van) round the New Forest today, great fun. On the way from Salisbury to Lyndhurst I went down a road that goes through common land, so slowed up cos there'd be cattle roaming about. Sure enough I turned a corner and there were cows all over the shop, had to stop the van and shoo them away from the road before I could carry on.

    500 yards down the road I turn a corner and there's Shetland ponies everywhere. Out of the van again and move them on. Bugger me, not half a mile further on the place is swarming with donkeys! And they wanted to come and say hello, so it took me a while to shift them. I'd just got them to the edge of the road when a delivery van came round the bend at a huge rate of knots, and near lost control as he struggled to avoid us. Twat.

    So if you're in the New Forest waiting for a parcel delivery, I'm sorry to inform you the delivery will be delayed while the idiot driver gets his nose repaired at the hospital...
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  19. Should have stopped for coffee at Martins

    BTW they are New Forest ponies

    There are pigs as well
  20. I likes pigs:upyeah: I have a certain empathy with them...
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