Ducati owner on Come Dine

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ducbird, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. On tonight's hour long is one Ducati owner
    Enzo in Wakefield is that you :)
  2. Would you admit to being that desperate if it was you?

    Thought not!
  3. He looks a bit like EL T

    oh he owns a superbike team
  4. Ok desperate and loaded.......

    Next you'll be rubbing it right in and tell us he's hung like a small horse too.
  5. Can't tell yet Anth :)
    He has a blue Ducati too :-/
  6. Lost me with the ferret in the freezer
  7. Yikes :-O
  8. I hope that's not a double entendre for something as I dread to think! :eek:
  9. There is a big snake too
  10. In the kitchen - nice
  11. Lmao it was called Vivienne but it's a boy now called Keith :-O
    • Like Like x 1

  12. I knew you be telling us that next! :biggrin:
  13. Eric the Ferret LMAO
  14. OMG that Gail is a strange one ferrets at dinner!!!!!
  15. You know me so well :-D
  16. they are in Yorkshire,,,
  17. Is there anything you'd like to confess to us Viv (or is it Keith)
  18. Says it all really ;-)
  19. he was a drag queen - who'd guessed
  20. Drat my secret is out gulp
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